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中级口译 week 15 上海大学外国语学院 Unit 8 Interpreting Informative Speeches Chinese-English Interpretation 介绍性口译(汉译英) Text 3 The Purpose of Education教育之本 1 Interpretation skill 正说反译 Each nation, large or small, has right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination. 1)adj 英语中很多adj,在译成汉语是,我们一般处理成中文的否定词:“不,无,否,非,没”等,如, “hard, reluctant, absent, bad, few, last, ill, bare, empty, limited, ignorant of, short of, devoid of, foreign to, far from, free from/of, safe from免于”等 每个国家,不论大小,都有权决定自己的政府形式和发展道路,不受外界的干扰和控制。 我不想我的余生在这儿度过。 This is the last place which I want to spend the rest of my life. 我们的发现证实,反恐战争远没有结束,相反才刚刚开始。 The explanation is pretty thin. What we have found confirms that far from ending, our war against terror is only beginning. 这个解释是相当不充分的。 The public has limited knowledge about the disease and ways to prevent it. 人们对这种疾病及防治这种疾病的知识了解不够。 I have read your articles. I expect to meet an older man. 我读过你的文章,没想到你这么年轻。 The world we live in is anything but (根本不,绝不)tranquil. Uncertainties that impede peace and development still exist. 我们生活的世界还不安宁,影响和平与发展的不确定因素依然存在。 2)带前缀/后缀的形容词或由形容词转化而来的名词 很多英语中带前缀/后缀的形容词及由这些形容词转化而来的名词也常被处理成中文的否定词,例如: He is careless about the consequences. 他对结果毫不关心。 It is quite indifferent to me whether you go or not. 你是去是留,我无所谓。 dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-, a-, an-, de-, under-, -less, -proof, -free, 等 3)prepprepositional phrase(PP) 很多英语的prep在译成汉语时,多处理成中文的否定词:“不,无,否,非,没”等。 Prep eg:beyond, above, below, beneath, but, against, past, under, off 等。 PP (prepositional phrase) eg: but for, instead of, out of at issue with to the exclusion of in default of other than, rather/more than aside from in place of,in lieu of Instead of viewing one another as competitors, in the era of globalization we had better t


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