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Unit4 制作人:江琳惠 刘丹;The History of Central Park;1857–1900; Central Park was not a part of the?Commissioners Plan of 1811; however, between 1821 and 1855, New York City nearly quadrupled in population. Since it was not part of the?Commissioners Plan of 1811 , John Randel, Jr., surveyed the park and the only remaining surveying bolt from his survey is still visible. The bolt is in a rock just north of the Dairy and the 65th Street Transverse and south of Center Drive. As the city expanded, people were drawn to the few existing open spaces, mainly cemeteries, to get away from the noise and chaotic life in the city. ; New York Citys need for a great public park was voiced by the poet and editor of the Evening Post(now the New York Post), William Cullen Bryant, and by the first American landscape architect,Andrew Jackson Downing, who began to publicize the citys need for a public park in 1844. A stylish place for open-air driving, similar to the Bois de Boulogne in Paris or Londons Hyde Park, was felt to be needed by many influential New Yorkers, and, after an abortive attempt in 1850-51 to designate Joness Wood, in 1853 the New York legislature settled upon a 700-acre (280 ha) area from 59th to 106th Streets for the creation of the park, at a cost of more than US$5 million for the land alone. ;;; 中央公园本来不属于1811年纽约市规划的一部份,然而,在1821至1855年间,纽约市 的人口增长至原来的四倍,随着城市的扩展,很多人被吸引到一些比较开放的空间居住 (主要是墓地),以避开嘈杂及混乱的城市生活。不久以后,当时的Evening Post(即现 在的纽约邮报)编辑和诗人威廉?卡伦?布莱恩特表示纽约需要一个大型的公园。在1844年, 美国的第一位景观建筑师唐宁亦努力宣传纽约市需要一个公园。很多有影响力的纽约人亦 认为需要一个可以露天驾驶的地方,就像巴黎的布隆森林和伦敦的海德公园。1853年,纽 约州议会把从59街到106街的700亩(2.8平方公里)划为兴建公园的地点。它是曼哈顿岛上 最大的公园。 纽约州成立了中央公园委员会监管公园的发展,并在1857年举办公园设计比赛,由景 观建筑师奥姆斯特德及卡尔弗特?沃克斯的“草坪规划”成为得奖设计。1860年,奥姆斯特 德被安德鲁.哈斯威尔.格林取代成为中央公园的负责人,成为委员会的主席。但他仍然 努力令公园的建造工程尽快完成,并且结束在公园北边的106街及110街额外购买65亩土地 的协商。1860年至1873年之间,中央公园的工程取得极大的进展,而很多困难亦已经解决 了。期间,在新泽西州有超过14,000立方米的表土被运送过来作为支撑树木及各种植物。 最后,中央公园终于在1873正式完工。;1900–1960; All of this changed in 1934, when Repu


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