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Tips Lay stress on the women’s dresses “主题以女性裙装为主” Lay stress on the noble clothing “贵族服饰为主” The pictures are only similar in form or appearance. “影视图片仅仅取其形似为主” Western clothing: The Rococo Period “西方服饰选取18世纪洛可可时期为代表” Structure and modeling Plane design (平面设计) Lengthways (纵向扩张) Loose H-type (宽松的H形) Covering(覆盖) Semi-stereoscopic (半立体设计) Transverse (横向扩张) Tight-fitting X-type (紧身的X形) Revealing (显露) Structure and modeling Plane design (平面设计) Lengthways (纵向扩张) Loose H-type (宽松的H形) Covering(覆盖) Semi-stereoscopic (半立体设计) Transverse (横向扩张) Tight-fitting X-type (紧身的X形) Revealing (显露) 儒学复兴乃至传统文化复兴,是多方面、多角度、多层次的,而且是长期的过程,服饰礼仪的复兴也只是其中的一部分。华夏复兴,少不了传统文化的复兴;传统文化的复兴,不可能没有承载它的形式。儒学、《论语》可以是载体,汉服也可以是载体。 穿上汉服,拜孔夫子,诵读《论语》选段,这是优秀传统文化的回归的一种尝试。汉服作为优秀传统文化也理应受到更多的重视,只希望它能在中断两百多年以后还能再度被我们大家唤醒,不再让它深藏于历史而能活跃于今朝,成为直观的传统文化标志之一! Nowadays, it is necessary for us to absorb the western advanced technology . At the same time, it is very important for us to treasure our own civilization of five thousand years. It is significant to promote and develop our unique costume culture. We are confident and make contributions to realizing the rejuvenation of our Chinese nation and enriching the clothing culture of the whole world. * Cultural differences between Chinese and western clothing 1.Structure and design 2.Color 3.Pattern and ornaments China Europe China Europe 1.Structure and design 2.Color 3.Pattern and ornaments principal colors Yellow Blue White Red Black 金 木 水 火 土 黄 青 白 红 黑 正 色 Secondary colors 间 色 White White symbolizes purity and justice. Purple Purple means nobility (高贵) . Blue (the religious color)


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