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摘 要 连锁经营作为现代企业一种全新的经营方式,正以最快的速度由大中城市和沿海发达地区向全国各地区延伸,进而带动整个国民经济的发展展。当前,我国连锁经营正处在一个十分关键的发展时期,随着国际化进程的加快,连锁经营的进一步发展又面临着诸多挑战,如观念更新、现代化技术应用、管理水平提高等方面,不能由于我国自身的各种原因限制了连锁经营的发展,我们必须及时发觉问题,并找出相应的对策,以使连锁经营模式在我国蓬勃发展。本文首先介绍连锁经营的基本理论,并在此基础上进一步讨论连锁经营营销优势劣势。在分析我国连锁经营企业的营销现状与缺陷基础上,最后提出了提高我国连锁经营企业发展水平的措施。 关键词: 连锁经营????发展??????现状? ?对策 Abstract Chain management as a new management mode of modern enterprises, is the fastest from big city and the developed coastal areas to the various regions of the country, and drive the development of the national economy. At present, the chain operation of our country is in an important period of development, with the accelerated process of internationalization, the further development of chain operation is faced with many challenges, such as to update the concept, application of modern technology, management level improvement, due to various reasons, not our own limits the development of chain operation, we must be promptly found the problem, and find out the corresponding countermeasure, in order to make the chain business model in the vigorous development of china. This paper first introduces the basic theory of chain operation, and further discusses the chain-like management marketingsuperiority inferiority. In the analysis of the marketing situation and defects of our chain enterprises, finally proposed to improve the level of development of chain operation enterprises in China measures. Keywords: Chain-like management? ?? ?developing present situation countermeasure 目 录 引 言 4 1. 连锁经营的概念 5 1.1 连锁经营的概念 5 2.连锁经营的SWOT分析 5 3.1???优势分析(Strengths) 5 3.2 劣势分析(Weaknesses) 6 4.我国家电业连锁经营的发展 6 5.连锁经营在我国发展的条件及应注意的问题 8 5.1 我国连锁经营发展现状 8 5.2 发展我国连锁商业时应注意的问题 8 6.提高我国连锁经营企业发展水平的对策 9 6.1 统一门店管理 9 6.2 实施零费用的精细化管理 9 6.6 扩大连锁企业经营规模,提高经济效益 9 6.7 走配送共同化和社会化的发展道路 9 6.8 提高连锁经营的现代化管理水平 10 6.9 增强消费者的忠诚度 10 6.10 实现强强联合,提高规模效益 10 6.12 加强对连锁经营企业的政策扶持 10 结 论 11 参考文献 12 致 谢 13 引 言 连锁经营是现在国际上普遍采用的一种企业经营制度。它一方面实现了商业服务活动的规范化和标准化,适应了现代化生产和大批量产品销售的需要。连锁经营以市场为导向,


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