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购物习惯的中国的突然富裕Shopping habits of China’s ‘suddenly wealthy’ In the past decade China has become the workshop for the world, its low-cost labour force toiling in factories to churn out cheap goods destined for western consumers.在过去的十年里中国已成为车间的世界,其低成本劳动力辛苦工厂生产出廉价商品运往西方消费者。 Many of the raw materials needed to feed this industrial juggernaut have to be imported from other countries and today China is the biggest driver of markets in commodities such as copper, oil and iron ore.许多原料需要养活这个工业巨头必须从其他国家进口,而今天中国是最大的驱动器市场的商品,如铜,石油和铁矿石。 But as well as a multitude of low-paid factory workers, the countrys manufacturing boom has also created a large and growing number of baofahu – literally, the “suddenly wealthy”.但是,以及众多的低工资工厂工人,该国的制造业的繁荣也创造了巨大的和越来越多的baofahu -字面上看, “突然富裕” 。 Their shopping habits and changing tastes are reshaping global trade flows at the other end of the production chain.他们的购物习惯和不断变化的口味正在改变全球贸易流动的另一端的生产链。 The rise of the Chinese consumer has provided unprecedented opportunities for enterprising global corporations and many now look to the country as their biggest growth market for the indefinite future.兴起的中国消费者提供了前所未有的机遇开拓全球性公司和许多现在期待该国作为其最大的增长市场是遥遥无期。 And while Chinas nouveaux riches share many of the tastes of their counterparts in any other part of the world, there are also a number of customs and cultural legacies that have created new markets for products that have little value elsewhere.而中国的暴发户有许多共同的口味同行任何其他世界的一部分,也有一些习俗和文化传统是创造了新市场的产品,其他地方没有什么价值。 This has encouraged global companies to invest an increasing amount of time and money in understanding what makes the Chinese customer special and how best to market or customise products.这鼓励了全球性公司的投资越来越多的时间和金钱的理解是什么使中国客户的特殊和如何最好地市场或定制产品。 In some cases, traditional Chinese tastes, combined with the explosion in wealth during the past decade, have created a rapacious and unsustainable call for the body parts of endangered species.在某些情况下,传统的中国味道,再加上爆炸的财富在过去十年中,创造了一个贪婪的和不可持续的要求身体部位的濒危物种。 The manufacture


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