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中国菜系 Chinese Cuisine 菜系的差异主要有多种因素所致,其中包括地理位置, 气候条件,交通状况,人口迁徙,地方文化。 Many factors resulted in the differences between cuisines, including geography, climate, transportation, migration, regional culture. Result in 导致 在漫长的历史发展过程中,中餐逐渐分化为南北两大口味。 During the long-term history development, Chinese dishes gradually are divided into southern and northern taste. 一般来说,南方菜讲究鲜嫩, 而北方菜由于天气寒冷油重 一些,菜里常加醋和大蒜。 Generally, southern cuisine features freshness and tenderness, northern cuisine is greasiness because of cold weather and vinegar and garlic are often added in cuisine. 北方的主食是面条,饺子以及其他用面粉做的食物,而大 多数南方人则以米饭为主食。 Northerners live on a diet of noodles, dumplings and other food made of flour, while most southerners prefer rice. 中国幅员辽阔,地区之间的饮食差异很大。 China covers a large territory, which causes enormous differences of Chinese food among regions. 中国烹饪可分为四大风格各异的菜系,即四川,广东,山 东,淮扬。 Chinese cooking styles consist of four various cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine. 四川菜以麻辣,味重著称,其料选料范围广,调味品烹饪 技术变化多样。 Sichuan cuisine is famous for spiciness and greasiness, which has a wide range of ingredients and cooking skills. 广东菜用料广泛,除了通常用的肉,禽类外,还用蛇, 猴,猫,等菜制成菜肴,菜的特点多以清淡,生脆, 爽口,偏甜为主。 Guangdong cuisine has a broad range of ingredients that include snakes , monkeys, cats and so on, besides meat and poultry. It is always insipid, crisp, tasty, sweet. 山东菜通常较咸,汁色普遍较浅,注重选料,精于刀工, 善于炊技。 Shandong cuisine is general salty with light color. It emphasizes ingredients and it is good at cutting technique and cooking skills. 淮扬菜擅长炖闷烧煮,讲究刀工,味道鲜脆软滑,注重选 料的原汁原味 Huaiyang cuisine features braising, stewing, roasting and boiling. It highlights cutting technique and tastes smooth. It stresses on the original taste and flavor of the ingredients.


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