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中国矿业大学二0一三年成人学士学位英语水平考试模拟试卷 Part I. Word Spelling Directions: Complete the following sentnences with the proper form of the word given the brackets. 1. (desire) Those professors believe that in teaching it is highly ____to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve. 2.(fairly )Taxing you both where you work and where you live seems, I think, to be ___. 6. (subsequent)We had made plans for a visit, but ____ difficulties with the car prevented it. 7. (nourish) The centre is open throughout the year, to ensure that homeless people can get at least one hot,___meal a day. 8. (reluctant) Lucy was not happy as she sensed her husband’s great___ to give reasons for what he had done and where he had been to. 9. (use)We tried all sorts of medicine and found not all of them_____. 10.(poison)Some plants have ____roots or fruit, so you must be careful before you eat the fruit in the forest. 11.(approve) Although they said nothing about their negative feelings, she could sense their_____ of her suggestion. 12. (applied) Have you filled in the ____form for your passport yet? 13.(depend)Now that Joe has got a steady job, he can be financially ____. 14. (argue) Jack returned from school only to see his parents in the middle of a terrible ____ about money. 15.(formal) This is an ___party. Please feel relaxed and enjoy yourself. 16. (vary)Love is eternal and all human beings feel the same whatever cultural ____. Part II. Prepostions and Adverbs Directions: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adver. 2. He has been a complete slave___ drink, and can not go without wine even for one day. 4. Because the young man never thinks of other people, he is always indifferent ___ others’ feelings. 6. Such violent attacks are not compatible ___a civilized society. 7. I can not get any of the children to volunteer____ work in the school garden. 8. I can not get any of the children to volunteer____ work in the school garden. 9.Three years after his successful interview, he t


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