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本科生毕业论文 中国居民收入差距问题研究 姓  名   号 专  业 指导教师 关键词: Abstract For more than 30 years after reform and opening -up, along with the deepening of economic system reform, our countrys economy has achieved rapid development, peoples living standard has been greatly improved, people have reached a well-off level as a whole. However, income gap of the resident is widening. The current income gap presents a comprehensive and multi-level expansion trend, such as the expansion of income gap between urban and rural residents, the enlargement of income gap between industries, the expansion of the income gap between the east and mid-west, which is not only caused by system, economic factors but natural and historical factors. A certain level of income gap will promote the optimized allocation of resources,economic efficiency and economic growth ultimately. Reasonable income gap has a promoting effect on economic growth while excessive income gap will do harm to economic growth. However, our current Gini-coefficient is far beyond the red line and income gap has apparently surpassed reasonable limits, which has increased the inequality of the whole society and brought negative impact to economic development to some extend, In view of current gap between the poor and the rich, solving the problem of expanding income gap is conductive to expanding domestic need and promoting a healthy and sustainable economic development, only in this way, can we do good to social stability and harmonious development. Key Words: income gap; present situation; reasons and solutions 目 录引 言 1 一、中国居民收入差距的现状分析及特点 1 (一)收入差距的含义 2 (二)收入差距的现状分析及的特点 2 1.区域之间收入差距扩大 2 2.城乡之间收入差距扩大 4 3. 各行业之间收入差距扩大 4 二、中国居民收入差距扩大的影响 5 (一)对消费的影响 6 1.区域之间收入差距扩大对消费的影响 6 2.城乡之间收入差距扩大对消费的影响 7 3.各行业之间收入差距扩大对消费的影响 8 (二)对社会政治稳定的影响 8 (三)对社会整体素质提高的影响 8 三、中国居民收入差距原因分析 8 (一)社会因素 9 1. 收入分配制度不够完善 9 2. 二元经济结构的影响 9 3. 法律的缺陷和政策的保护 9 (二)经济因素 9 1. 经济发展的规律 9 2. 国家经济发展规划的政策影响 10 3. 产业结构的调整和升级 10 (三)自然、历史因素 10 四、缩小收入差距,扩大消费需求 10 (一)建立公平、统一的劳动市


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