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Chinese calligraphy is extensive and profound, it is a witness of the history of Chinese civilization and undertaker is a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, China and jointly owned by the worlds great spiritual wealth. What is calligraphy? We can source from its nature and characteristics, and personal approach to understanding. Calligraphy is based on Chinese characters, written with a brush, with four feature abstract symbols of art, it reflects everything unity of opposites the basic law reflects the spirit, disposition, education, and training.  The infancy of calligraphy (Shang dynasty to Han dynasty and the three kingdoms), experienced by Oracle, the prose (Clementi), the large seal script (Zhou), seal, Li (eight points), cursive and cursive scripts, books and other stages, and evolution. In the uncertain period of calligraphy (Jin southern and Northern dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties), entered a new realm of the art of calligraphy. Made from seal scribe from the simplicity of line and a real book, they become the dominant style of the period. Great calligrapher Wang Xizhis calligraphy appears to shine, his highly regarded artistic achievement to the Tang dynasty. Meanwhile, a group of calligraphers of the Tang dynasty are quickly turning up, such as: Yu shinan, Ouyang Xun, Chu suiliang, Yan Zhenqing and Liu gongquan, large master. On the calligraphy as a gift is different and eclectic.    Official script is evolved from the ancient zhuanwen gradually, is said to be created by Qin Cheng Miao. Official script is divided into Qin and ancient calligraphy. Qin structure of rounded, similar to zhuanwen, multi-purpose, termed ancient scribe. Ancient calligraphy people also known as the eight points body curve is straight, others flat against dash, Bo zhe show such fonts, evolved into Chinese, it is called ancient calligraphy. Regular script is one of the main style of Chinese calligraphy art, also known as the scribe today, books, book,


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