中国之旅Unit 5.ppt

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中国之旅Unit 5

Unit 5 Reading Do something reading about …. Military defense watchtower Warn sb of sth The Manchu People consequently What is the function of the Great Wall ? Dialogue New words Section=part be in poor condition Keep sb out delay=put off unify=unite He liked big projects get through=pass Be scared of =be afraid of Cable car breathtaking=exciting The Great Wall is not complete Questions Why did people build the Great Wall ? Who began to built it ? Why ? Did they Wall work ? Why didn’t they go to Simatai ? Listening Where is the Tombs of the Ming Emperors? How could they reach three of the tombs? What will they see on the way of sacred way ? The Memorial Gate Grand Hall The Great Red Gate Giant marble tortoise The sacred way Chinese building European building Culture Corner Chinese buildings Materials Disadvantage Result European building Materials Result * East coast The Gobi Desert watchtower Smoke signals How did watchtowers warn the defenders of any attacks ? When was the Wall seen now built ? Did the Manchu People go on making the Wall strong ? Why ? It was used as a wall and a military defense With fires and smoke signals In the Ming Dynasty No, they didn’t. Because they thought the Great Wall was not necessary after they controlled the two sides of the Wall. Simatai The ______ part of the Great Wall steepest Building the Wall was to keep the tribes , who lived in the north out and delay their attacks. Emperor Qin Shhuang . To unify China. Yes, they did. Because it takes much longer to get there and parts of the Wall are very steep. About 50 kilometres northwest of the city The Memorial Gate The Great Red Gate Giant marble tortoise The sacred way 12 sets of stone animals and 6 sets of human figures. The Soul Tower wood Easily affected by fires ,insects and the warm climate Have to rebuilt *


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