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BY: 过渡页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) Hungry?ghost?festival?is?also?call?zhongyuan?feal.?It?is?original?from?the?Northern?Wei?Dynasty?(368-534).?It?is?one?of?the?biggest?ghost?festivals.?They?are?new?year’s?eve,?sweeping?festival,?the?double?9?festival?and?the?zhongyuan?festival.?In?the?countryside,?people?remind?their?relatives?and?may?best?wishes?in?this?day. Introduction The Origin Much like Western cultures Halloween, some Eastern cultures celebrate a Fall festival where they believe the gates of hell are thrown open, releasing hungry ghosts to wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge upon those who wronged them in life. This month-long festival is known as the Hungry Ghost Festival and takes place during the 7th lunar month. 过渡页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) There is a monk named Mulian , his mother has fallen to Hungry Ghosts Tao, the food will be turned into a flame as soon as she swallowed , endure hunger all day and all night, Mulian was unable to save his mother, then turn to the Buddha for help, the Buddha gave him a Mulanpen scripture, turned him to Yulan Basin to save his mother on July fifteenth . In order to commemorate the monk.We will have Hungry Ghost Festival that day People release river lights to warm and comfort the homeless ghosts. The lotus lights direct the ways of the underworld to the spirits. Rooftop Ghost Festival to eat, “candy cake, similar tube spring rolls. 过渡页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) Some superstitions No swimming No marriages No flames Children are advised to return home early and not to wander around alone at night 结束页 (设计好之后可以删掉这个文本框哦) THANKS FOR WATCHING


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