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收有9000个词条,名词占多数。词典编撰者声称“人们在言语产出时,一般先想到名词”。 ability great/exceptional/outstanding/remarkable ability show/exhibit/demonstrate ability, appreciate/recognize her ability 3. 重视语境 anyone Did you go out with anyone? Does anyone want a drink? Did you meet anyone interesting? myself I bought something for my parents, but nothing for myself. I can look after myself. I can do it myself. wonder I wonder what life was like here in the past. What are they going to do? I wonder. 核心词一词多义 Maggie: Everybody’s talking about you! Jason: You were the hit of the show! Ben: Well, you remember how I told you, you were beautiful and you were musical? I was lying. I was just buttering you up to ask you for something. 本义和比喻义:比喻义或引申义有时比本义更常用 fruit: I’m looking forward to retirement and having time to enjoy the fruits of my labour. freeze: She froze with horror. 4. 建立语义网络 Describing People Height tall short Hair Personality Body long short straight curly thin light outgoing quiet funny serious fat heavy What’s the matter? head ear nose tooth neck stomach back throat cold fever headache toothache stomachache sore throat stressed out thirsty Body parts illnesses advice go to the dentist lie down rest honey water should shouldn’t 5. Use it or lose it. 多用! 单词的复习巩固应贯穿到听、说、读、写等各个环节 多利用学过材料,学生了解内容和词义,再次复习注意词的搭配和句式。否则就浪费了。 给学生关键信息,如mind map,让学生复述文章内容。 III. 困惑 如何呈现单词? 是集中教单词还是分散教?何时教,如何教? 如何听写单词? 单元所列词表中的词是否需在本单元掌握?如何区分需要学生掌握的核心词? 如何将接受性词汇转化为产出性词汇? 如何呈现单词? 直观法: 实物; 图片A picture is worth a thousand words. 简笔画; 做动作 ? 用语言解释: “I’m full” means I eat a lot and I’m not hungry now. 猜词 集中还是分散?何时?如何? 单元词汇不应在课前集中教学,而是要根据活动或任务的需要分步进行教学。这样有助于分散难点,突出重点。 阅读:有些需读前处理,有些在读中处理。对话也同理。 关注词在文中意义或核心意义,不宜一次挖掘过深,拓展太多。 如何听写单词? 只听写重要的词。 按语块听写。 go online, use the Internet, through exercise, watch game shows two to three times a week ? 可以英汉互译。 如何区分学生需要掌握的核心词? 与单元主题相关 是高频词,在单元里出现频率也高 语法特征明显,是常被考试的词 although, the answer to the question 其他词无须太关注,后面碰到再学 有取有舍,想要学生什么都学会,结果是什么都不会 如何将接受性词


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