专八英美文学 美国文学 惠特曼Whitman.ppt

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专八英美文学 美国文学 惠特曼Whitman

Walt Whitman A Bridge between Romanticism And Realism seemingly boundless economic expansion and the emergence of a new nation an agricultural and mercantile(商业的) economy to industrialism The finish of the Westward Movement by 1890. Yet its influence would long remain, shaping the life of the nation and inspiring the legends, novels, and western movies by which the world would come to know America. Fashion America’s Poet 我“充满了粗糙的东西,也同样充满了精致的东西” 我既年青又年老,既聪明又同样愚蠢,/我不关心别人,而又永远在关心别人。/是慈母也是严父,是一个幼儿,也是一个成人。。。 我的关节是世界上最柔软的关节,也是世界上最坚强的关节/……我是属于各种阶级和各种肤色的人,我是属于各种地位和各种宗教的人/我是一个农夫、机械师、艺术家、绅士和水手/一个囚徒、梦想家、无赖、律师、医生和牧师。 Birth and Early Career Born 31 May 1819 near Huntington, Long Island, New York Second child (of 9) born to Walter and Louisa Van Whitman. Works as printer’s apprentice for the Patriot, edited by Samuel E. Clements. 17, returned to his family’s farm and worked as a teacher The Journalist, 1844 Worked for several newspapers Long-Island Star, New York Mirror In 1838-9, Whitman founds and publishes The Long Islander; work as typesetter(排字工) for the Long Island Democrat. Wrote short fiction. Themes and techniques borrowed from Poe and Hawthorne 1846-1848. Becomes chief editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, a post he holds for two years. In May 1848, Whitman is fired because his politics conflict with those of the publisher. A “free soil” Democrat, Whitman opposes the expansion of slavery into new territories. Whitman claimed that after years of competing for the usual rewards, he determined to become a poet. The turning point of his career: he visited New Orleans in 1848. Leaves of Grass, 1855 Twelve poems, including “Song of Myself” “O Captain, My Captain” “I Hear America Singing” Only 795 copies printed. The meaning of the title 1、Grass is the most common plant: where there is earth, where there is water, there is grass. 2、草叶是一种最有生命力的植物: “它在宽广的地方和狭窄的地方都一样发芽,在黑人和白人中都一样生长”。 3、草叶在植物中具有广泛的代表性: “我相信一片草叶不亚于地球的运转”。 我是肉体的诗


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