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主谓一致问题 基本原则 Grammatical concord: 语法一致原则 Notional concord:概念一致原则 Proximity:就近原则 主谓一致的关键是认清主语 1、单数形式的主语后面谓语? 2、复数形式的主语后面谓语? 3、并列主语后面? 4、名词+of结构做主语后面? 5、其他结构(主语从句等)的主谓一致 单数形式的主语后面的谓语的数? 语法一致原则 1. Many a +名词单数 2. more than one +可数名词单数; 3. a +名单 or two (c.f.one or two +名复) 4. the adjective; e.g the good 5. collective Noun(police, furniture, team ) 6. proper noun(书、剧、报、国、组织) 1. Many a +名词单数 There is many an error that he has neglected. 2. more than one +可数名词单数; More than one topic has been discussed. C.f. More topics than one have been …. 3. a +名词 or two A word or two misused. One or two words 4. the adjective; e.g the good 指抽象概念?指一类人?指一个人? The good overweigh the bad in him. The deceased was his mother (ten farmers?) 5. collective Noun(三类 ) The public is the best judge. The public were requested to write down their names in his book. A. 同类其他:class, committee, team, audience, crew, family, party, B. furniture 为代表的集合名词 equipment, machinery, merchandise,jewelry, cutlery, poetry, fruit, bread, fish C. police代表的集合名词 Cattle, people, militia, vermin, 复数形式的主语后面谓语如何? 主要使用的概念一致原则 1、成对概念的复数名词:glasses 2、时间、数量、重量的复数名词作主语,概念上常看成单数。 3、专有名词是复数形式的地理名称。 4、算式中表示数字的主语 5、以-s结尾的学科(-ics)、游戏、疾病名词作主语 并列主语 and 连接的多个成分,若表示一件事物或概念,单数;若表示多个事物或概念,复数 and 连接两个成对出现的事物,表示一个整体,用单数。 and连接,后面名词带有副词修饰(perhaps, not, particularly), 有逗号隔开,and前面的才是真正的主语。 every… and every…, each…and each…, any… and any…, no…and no…, many a…and many a…结构的并列主语,后面都用单数 并列主语 5、or, but (also), nor连接的并列主语,使用就近原则,类似的还有either… or…,not only…but also, 6、主语+with, together with, along with, including, in addition to, except, besides, rather than, 与真正主语保持一致 Practice 1. The assistant and graduate student _____ check the exercise books. (help) 2. That the sun and not the earth__ the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept for people to grasp in the Middle Ages. (be) 3. That cup and saucer ___ made from a kind of rare porcelain. (be) 4. Every man, woman and child ____ an important being. (be) 5


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