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Group 1 Directions: There is an advertisement below. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No.56 to No.60). You should write your answers (in not more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.  Douglass Company (hereafter〈以下〉referred to as the Buyer) as one party and Anhui Import and Export Corporation (hereafter referred to as the Seller) as the other party agree to sign by their authorized representatives, as a result of friendly negotiation, the present Contract under the following terms and conditions: 1) The Seller will arrange and sell 260 sets of drilling machines in the following two fiscal years (财政年度); 2) The Seller should take care of the quality, quantity, packing, and shipping; 3) The Buyer should pay the Seller by irrevocable L/C and take care of the insurance; 4) Claim shall be made within 10 days of goods’ arrival; 5) Neither party shall break the contract without mutual agreement; 6) The present contract is written in English, valid for two years, after which it may be extended, amended or discontinued; 7) The contract was signed on April 14, 2005 in Hefei by representatives of the two parties. (Signature) For the Anhui Mechanic Import and Export Co. of People’s Republic of China. (Signature) For the Douglass Company of New York, N.Y, U.S.A. 56. What is the contract product? . 57. Which party is responsible for the insurance? . 58. How should the Buyer pay the seller? By . 59. How long is the contract valid for? . 60. Who signed the contract? The of the two parties. 这是一个商业合同书。买方和卖方同意就钻探设备进行合作。合同由双方指定的代理人协商签署。文中规定了交货、索赔和付款方式等有关事项。 56. 【答案】Drilling machines 57. 【答案】The Buyer 58. 【答案】(irrevocable) L/C 59. 【答案】For two years 60. 【答案】authorized representatives Group 2 Directions: The following is a Guide to the Singapore underground train sy


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