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2005级康复治疗学专业英语 第二章骨骼系统 罗 秋 昆明医学院第二临床学院 2007-3-13 骨骼系统 Skeletal System contents New words Anatomy review Practice New words 颅骨 肱骨 尺骨 桡骨 腕骨 掌骨 指骨 Skull Humerus Ulna Radius Wrist bone Metacarpal phalanx New words 颈椎 胸椎 腰椎 骶骨 尾骨 Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacrum Coccyx New words 胸骨 肋骨 锁骨 肩胛骨 Sternum Rib Clavicle Scapular New words 骨盆 股骨 膑骨 胫骨 腓骨 Pelvic Femoral Patella Tibia Fibula New words 跟骨 距骨 舟骨 骰骨 楔骨 脚掌掌骨 Calcaneus Talus Navicular Cuboid Cuneiform Metatarsal Bone marking and formations Capitulum capitulum of the humerus Condyle the lateral femoral condyle Epicondyle the lateral epicondyle of the humerus Crest iliac crest Facet the superior costal facet 肋头关节面 Bone marking and formations Foramen:孔 Fossa: infraspinous fossa Groove: the radial groove of the humerus Malleolus: the lateral malleolus Notch:切迹 Protuberance:隆突 Bone marking and formations Trochanter:转子 Trochlea:滑车 Tubercle:结节(small raised eminence) 如肱骨大结节 Tuberosity:结节(large rounded elevation) 如坐骨结节 CLASSIFICATION OF BONES ACCORDING TO THEIR SHAPE LONG BONES 长骨 SHORT BONES 短骨 FLAT BONES 扁骨 IRREGULAR BONES 不规则骨 Bone Classification by Shape Skeletal System: Axial Skeleton The Complete Skeleton Superior and Posterior Views of Skull or Cranium External occipital protuberance Ligamentum nuchae: Helps keep head erect Hyoid Bone Hyoid bone Unpaired No direct bony attachment to skull Attachment point for some tongue muscles Attachment point for neck muscles that elevate larynx during speech and swallowing Vertebra Parts Body Vertebral foramen Vertebral arch Superior and inferior articular processes Articular facets for rib Spinous process Vertebral Column Regions Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral bone Coccygeal bone Cervical Vertebrae Atlas First vertebra ‘yes’ motion Axis Second vertebra Dens or ‘no’ motion Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebrae Sacrum and Coccyx Thoracic or Rib Cage and Sternum Parts Thoracic vertebrae Ribs (12 pair) True or Vertebrosternal False Sternum (manubrium, body) Point


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