专业英语精美模板,management and decision-making.ppt

专业英语精美模板,management and decision-making.ppt

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专业英语精美模板,management and decision-making

专业英语 第七组 组员: 张其森 孙忱威 马余超 王媛 Although Kearney’s business had been a model of success,it had reached a critical size where expenditure on a more formalized approach to management and decision-making was required. 尽管科尔尼的业务已经成为成功的典范,但是它已经达到临界值,需要更有效方法来管理与决策。 Late in 2008,Kearny was losing tens of thousands of euros a month,so he pulled together a crisis committee to investigate why things were going wrong, 在2008年末,科尔尼在一个月的时间里失去了数万欧元,所以他成立了一个危机处理委员会去调查为什么会出现这样的错误, The committee agreed that the solution would be a management information system(MIS) with fully integrated subsystems. 委员会认为解决方案应该是建立一个具有完全集成的子系统管理信息系统(MIS) Consequently, an IT strategy firm came in to synchronize and package all Kearny’s applications and systems: the customer and order database; the marketing research data (of which there was very little); 因此,由IT战略公司来同步和包装科尔尼公司所有的应用程序和系统:客户和订单的数据库;市场调研数据(相对较少); the financial planning software, including costing data, budgeting and quotes; and the planning details of jobs, project deadlines and broader strategies. 财务规划软件,包括成本数据,预算和报价;以及详细的工作计划,项目期限和更广泛的策略。 This was able to supply reports on every aspect of the business, including key performance indicators. 目标是建立统一连贯的信息系统。使其能够提供全面的业务报告,包括关键绩效指标。 Thanks for watching * v. 使有效;adj. 正式的 短语:安装 *


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