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【备考必看】专八写作100个黄金句式(一)Original 2017-01-21 星火君星火英语 1 文章开头句式1.Recently, sth shock(s) the world into anew recognition about sthRecently, the thrashing of a Go champion with a machine called AlphaGo shocks the world into a new recognition about Artificial Intelligence (AI).Begin/start anewI was ready to leave everything behind and start anew in California.Recently, two tragic deaths shock the world into a new recognition about how rampant telecom fraud is.Rampart: a wide pile of earth or a stone2.Recently, sth/whether sth is worth the effort has sparked furious arguments among sb/the public.Recently, whether a PhD degree is worth the effort has sparked furious arguments among postgraduates and entrepreneurs.Recently, whether free ride of subways should be offered to the senior has sparked furious arguments among the public.has sparkedTrigger3. Lately, sth has/have been the subject of great controversy.Lately, the Internet censorship has beenthe subject of great controversy.of great controversydispute4. In a society where books for young and adult become somehow formulaic both in language and plot, an urgent call for reading classics peals in our ears.formulaic :containing or made from ideas or expresions that have been used many times.an urgent call for Express the need or desire for5. Recently, the debate over free speech on college campuses has only becomemore contentious.ContentiousInclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree.6. Whether celebrities should be coerced into philanthropy has been dogged all the way by controversy.should be coerced intoBe forced to dohas been dogged Unyielding7. The rampant online fraud of various kinds has brought the real name register system into the limelight.rampant Defensiveinto the limelight.A focus of public attention8. The recently released blacklist ofonline music echoes our government‘s tighter control on products that contain sensitive or offensive lyrics in an attempt to clean up cyber space.echoesRecalltighter


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