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错 题 集 It is surprising that _____ Russian can not speak ____ Russian language. A. /;a B. a; the C. the;/ D. a;a The festival will be a feast for our city and for our coutry _______. A. on a whole B. in a whole C. as a whole D. as the whole Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ________ for words. A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost We should ____ great importance to job training, so that students will be aware of their development in related aspect. A. concerntrate B. devote C. attach D. emphasize You must be hungry, _____ you? A. arent B. neednt C. dont D. wont They must have finished the task by the end of last month, ______ they? You must have gone to the cinema last night, ___you? A. mustnt B. hadnt C. havent D. didnt It is not always easy for the public to see ____ use a new invntion can be of to human life. A. whose B. what C. which D. that _____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Those who We set the fifth day of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar as the Dragon Boat Festival _____ the ancient poet and politician Qu Yuan. A. in support of B. in memory of C. in favor of D. in celebration of The topic we are going to talk about today is actually of great imortance in living a low-carbon life, though ____ a small one. A. thinking as B. thought as C. thought of as D. thinking of as Do you know who will ____ our companys business when our manager is retired? A. take over B. take up C. take on D. take in The same color can have a positive meaning in one country, ___ in another, a negative meaning. A. when B. while C. as D. however Our monitor reported to the teacher,All ___present and all ____ going on well. A. is;is B. are; are C. are; is D. is;are --Its nice.


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