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How is the booklet developed? Task-based Reading Phrases 1 结局一团糟 L1 2 违法吸毒 L4 3 反抗 L5 4 被…接受 L6 5 对…有影响 L9 6 在某些情况下L15 7 对...成瘾 L19 8 戒毒有困难 L20 9 被称为…L21 10 一种愉悦的幻觉 L22 1 end in messy situation 2 take drugs illegally 3 rebel against 4 be accepted by 5 have an effect on 6 in some cases 7 be /become addicted to.. 8 have trouble quitting smoking 9 be referred to as 10 an artificial sense of pleasure 11被归类为…L29 12产生巨大危害 L30 13大量地 L30 14 在一些极端的例子L34 15 范围从...到…L33 16陷入,被困在... L37 17 吸干..活力, 吞噬..生命 L38 18坐牢 L 19擦掉,清除 20寻求帮助 21戒毒 11 be classified as 12 do great harm (to) 13 in large quantities 14 in severe cases 15 range from...to... 16 be trapped in 17 suck the life out of ... 18 in prison 19 wipe away 20 seek help 21 break the addiction 假如今天是6月26日,国际戒毒日。请你以“珍爱生命, 拒绝毒品”为主题,根据下面给出的要点提示,用英语 给全校学生写一封倡议书。 1 目前现状:我国吸毒人数有100多万,且呈上升趋势,而青少年占大多数。 2.毒品的种类及影响:主要有三种;成瘾、身体、心理影响; 3.毒品危害:吸毒有害健康,有可能导致心脏病、高血压等; 人一旦染上毒瘾,就很难戒掉。为此,有的人倾家荡产,有的人违法犯罪。吸毒成为严重的社会问题。 4.提出倡议:为了自己、家人和社会,珍爱生命,拒绝毒品,为禁毒事业尽一份义务,共创美好生活! Dear fellow students: Today is 26th June, the International Day against Drug Abuse. It is a day when all nations are expected to work together to fight against drug abuse. Dear fellow students, It is reported that ....... Worse still, a large number of them are teenagers. Drugs are classified into ...:... Each of them has a different influence on the body. Regardless of... they are all ... As is known to all, drugs... our health. Besides, ...Once addicted to drugs, it’s difficult... ... In short,... As students, ... Dear fellow students, for the benefit of ..... let’s ... and spare no effort to make our life better! Dear fellow students, Today is 26th June, the International Day against Drug Abuse. It is a day when all nations are expected to work together to fight against drug abuse. It is reported that over one million people in China take illegal drugs and the number is still increasing. Worse still, a large number


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