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Welcome to my class! Self-introduction : Name ( My English/ Chinese name is …) Hometown ( I come from… ) Hobby ( I like … ) Your school ( I am from No.1 Middle School) Your dream ( My dream is to … ) … Requirement: On time for class . 按时上课. (9点上课) 2. Prepare lesson ( read new words and text ) 预习课文 。(读单词,读课文,了解课文主旨) 3. Listen carefully in class, and be active to answer the teachers’ questions 认真听课,积极发言。(课堂上不能讲话,看手机/小说,吃早餐) 4. Try to sit in the middle and in the front , Take notes in class 上课时要集中坐中间和前面, 上课一定要认真工整地记录笔记。 5. Review the lesson after class . ( recite the words, sentences , language points , read the text ) 课后及时复习。(复习上课PPT; 背单词,背句子,背知识点,背语法 点; 有感情朗读课文;复述/背课文 ) 6. Finish the homework by yourself, hand in the homework on time . 独立完成作业, 按时交作业。 (准备纠错本) 7. Prepare 4 notebooks: (one for taking notes in class , two for your homework , one for correction ) 准备4本笔记本, 一本笔记本, 两本作业本 , 一本纠错本 8. Prepare a dictionary/electronic dictionary, and grammar book 准备英语字典( 电子词典),英语语法书 Game: 词中有词  根据该单词中的字母,组成新单词,例如 late(5): a,at,ate,let,tea、 1. team: 2. table: 3. woman: 4. answer: 5. strong: 6 Mountain: 听音猜人: 猜谜的人到前面来,面对黑板,然后让一位学生站起来用英语跟他说一句话。 如:“Good morning,XXX.”。 猜的学生要根据说话人的声音判断是谁。 然后提问:“Is he(she)XXX?” 全班学生答“Yes.”或“No.”。 可以规定问题不得超过三个,如果问了三个问题还猜不出来,就算输了。 Glad to see you , class. It’s my pleasure to be your English teacher for this course this term. This is the first class. You are new to me . I dont know anything about you . You don’t know me either. So we need to make introduction to each other . Let me tell you something about me . Then you should introduce yourselves to me . my Chinese name is Yun run . My English name is Cherry. Cherry is a kind of fruits. I love this name . It means young , beauty and helpful. I love to be young and pretty for ever. And helpful to everyone. I grew up in Sanya city. But my hometown is in Wenchang. I can’t say wenchang dialect . Tell you about my hobbies . I like reading e-books through my cell phon


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