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Operations Research and Fuzziology 运筹与模糊学, 2017, 7(1), 1-9 Published Online February 2017 in Hans. /journal/orf /10.12677/orf.2017.71001 Single-Machine Due-Window Assignment and Scheduling with Discretely Controllable Job Processing Times and a Deteriorating Rate-Modifying Activity Lei Zhang School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang Liaoning th st th Received: Feb. 4 , 2017; accepted: Feb. 21 , 2017; published: Feb. 24 , 2017 Abstract In this paper, we consider single-machine due-window assignment and scheduling with discretely controllable job processing times and a deteriorating rate-modifying activity. Each job has mul- tiple processing times to be selected and different processing times are associated with different costs. In addition, we can schedule a deteriorating rate-modifying activity in order to reduce the total cost. We consider two versions of the problem, in the first version, all the jobs share a com- mon due-window and in the second version, each job has their own due-window. The objective is to determine the optimal job sequence, schedule the deteriorating rate-modifying activity and the due-window, so as to minimize the total cost. We provide polynomial-time algorithms for the con- sidered problems. Keywords Scheduling, Single-Machine, Discretely Controllable Job Processing Times, Deteriorating Rate-Modifying Activity, Due-Window 带有退化维修和交货期窗口的加工时间 分别可控的单机排序问题 张 蕾 沈阳师范大学数学与系统科学学院,辽宁 沈阳 收稿日期:2017年2月4 日;录用日期:2017年2月21 日;发布日期:2017年2月24 日 文章引用: 张蕾. 带有退化维修和交货期窗口的加工时间分别可控的单机排序问题[J]. 运筹与模糊学, 2017, 7(1): 1-9. /10.12677/orf.2017.71001 张蕾 摘 要 本文讨论了带有退化维修和交货期窗口的加工时间分别可控的单机排序问题。每个工


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