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2003 1 上海交通大学学报( 哲学社会科学版) N o . 1 2003 11 V ol. 11 ( 29 ) J OU R N AL O F SJT U ( Philo sophy and So cial Sciencs) SU M N o . 29 : 1 2 姚俭建  J an et Collins ( 1. 200030; 2. 02138) : 分析了当代美国慈善事业的现状 进 探讨慈善事业在促进社会发展中的重要功能 其中包括对社会福利的有益补充、体现人道关怀、弥补市场运行与政府管理功能的不足等; 从运行 机制的角度 探讨了美国慈善事业发展的机制及其不足。在此基础上 从比较的角度 探讨了中国 在这方面借鉴美国经验的可能性。 : 美国; 慈善事业; 现状; 功能   : C913. 7( 712) : A : 100 8-7095( 2003) 0 1-0013-06 The Analysis on t he Current Sit uat ion of Charit ies in t he United States: A Comparat ive Perspect ive YA O J ian -j ian 1 J ane t Col lins2 ( 1. Scho ol of Humanit ies Shang hai J iaot o ng U niv ersity Shang hai 200030 China ; 2. Har var d U niv ersity M assachuset t s 02 138 U SA) Abstract : T his paper analy ses t he current sit uat io n of charit ies in t he U nit ed St at es and inquir es int o t he im po rt ant f unct ions of charit ies in t he pr om ot ion of so cial dev el opment w hich includes a bene- ficial co m plem ent f or social w elf are hum anit ar ianism and a rem edy t o a defect of bot h m arket m echa- nism and go vernm ent al m ana gem ent . T hen it probes int o a possibility f or China t o ask fo r r efer ence of ex per ience of t he U nit ed St at es . Key words: t he U nit ed St at es; cha rit ies; current sit uat ion; f unct io n


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