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NJP3400胶囊充填机剂量调节机构设计 The design of measure system for NJP3400 capsule press filling machine 摘 要 胶囊充填机具有自动化程度高、卫生、高效等优点,所以一经问世就受到了广大制药厂家的好评,随着市场对胶囊制剂的需求量的增大,一些胶囊充填机的制造厂家研制出了充填效率更高的胶囊充填机,但随之而来了也出现了一些问题,如充填剂量不准确,噪音大等缺点。要提高胶囊充填的充填效率主要从两方面考虑一是增加模孔的数量,二是提高转速,过多的模孔数量会使胶囊充填机体积变的很大,不仅不美观而且制造成本也会大大增加,所以既要保持美观的外形较低的成本又要提高充填效率就只有把重点放在提高主轴的转速上,但高转速带来的问题是它会给凸轮带来了更大的冲击力,从而影响到剂量充填的准确性。 目前较常用的胶囊充填机剂量调节装置主要有插管式剂量调节装置,活塞滑块式剂量调节装置以及柱塞式剂量调节装置,本文主要以充填剂量相对准确的柱塞式剂量调节装置进行研究,在合理增加模孔数量后,重点在提高转速的前提下对柱塞式剂量调节装置的剂量上下导向轴的上下往复运动机构、剂量盘与铜环之间间隙的微调机构、调节充填杆充填高度等机构进行设计。并利用pro/e软件对柱塞式剂量调节机构进行实体建模和运动仿真,使其在提高转速的同时保持充填剂量的准确性。 关键词:剂量调节装置;凸轮;微调机构 The design of measure system for NJP3400 capsule press filling machine Abstract Since the capsule filling machines have the advantages of high degree automation, hygienic and efficient, it got favourable comment from majority of the pharmaceutical manufacturers as soon as it came out. With the market demand of capsule increasing, some of capsule filling machine manufacturers have developed more efficient machines, but mean while, some shortcomings showed up, such as padding dose is inaccurate, big noise, etc. To improve the efficiency of capsules filling, two main aspects are taken into considered. One is to increase the number of die holes, on the other hand is to improve the speed of the spindle. Too many die holes would make the volume of capsule filling machine become larger which it’s not only unsightly but also causes the costs increasing heavily. So, to keep well-formed, lower costs and improve the efficiency, the only thing is to put the focus on improving the speed of spindle. But high speed would cause more heavy impact to the cam so as to affect the accuracy of dose filling. Currently, there are several popular dosage adjustment devices of capsule filling machines include Intubation dose adjustment device, Piston slider dose adjustment device and Plunger dose adjustment device. This paper takes the Plunger dose adjustment device whose preci


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