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内在性格(主要) 朋友:Reliable,A friend indeed is a friend in need 教师:cultivate and inspire originality and 1,Responsibility creativity in students 领导:principled and disciplined 家长:role model, unconditional support, stand by me 朋友:Help and encourage you when you are in trouble 2,Ability 教师:A good professional knowledge base 领导:Good people management and communication skills 家长:good communicator,patience 3, Humorous 4, Easy-going, warm-hearted 2,主观感受(例证) (共性) feel love 感受到爱 learn a lot from them 学会了更多 teach me to grow 教会我成长 (个性) 朋友:They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great. 教师:Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. 领导:A good leader should be highly organized and efficient, energetic and strong career-ambition 家长:Never composes me a lot of pressures so that I can choose to learn whatever I’m interested in. 描述人物性格,外貌可选词汇: optimistic(adj.)积极乐观的 pessimistic(adj.)消极悲观的 out-going (adj.)外向的,喜好交际的 extroverted(adj.)活泼愉快的 kind(adj.)和气的 generous(adj.)慷慨的 reliable(adj.)可靠的 friendly(adj.)友善的 quiet(adj.)娴静的 shy(adj.)羞涩的 patient(adj.)耐心的 diligent(adj.)勤勉的 conservative(adj.)保守的 三,物品类 物品类型思路:(How I got it), Exterior, Function, Role in my life, My own feeling 常考题目: 1, Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation. 2, Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and


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