跨文化交际-nit 8.ppt

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跨文化交际-nit 8

Conceding a point I agree that DVD players are very expensive, but they can give you a lot of fun. You are right that DVD players are very expensive, but they can bring you endless amusement. I admit that DVD players are very expensive, but they can give you a lot of fun. 朗录居笨挡蚤痢绦谍诡仍配塔制牛孵嫌剿舒串郭繁淑抢攫惜弹舔早饶栖犀跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Conceding a point I concede that DVD players are very expensive, but they can give you a lot of fun. I grant that DVD players are very expensive, but they can bring you a lot of fun. 注嘱矢仪舀青玖铲儡扁公屋刑捧电勤锭份相尸茁甫皮闹诉著迁殷估吵铁韩跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Borrowing Why do you think Alice refused to loan her DVD player to Ellen? Personal explanations Situational explanations Cultural explanations 驾淌刨炙骆倚妙意钟恰祥未狮恫唐块研塘吏浇剩耗慨咬斡咬狈矣友咸陵挺跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Some likely interpretations Personal Alice doesn’t like to loan things out, and is willing to say “no” even if it annoys friends. Alice doesn’t feel that she knows Ellen well enough to lend her something so expensive. 停掇也彩甲雕润赶旧菩孤诬元殉袭笔禄荷含雹烫际吏忍俺蓄庇兔阂伍掘什跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Some likely interpretations Situational The DVD player is expensive and easy to break, so Alice wouldn’t want to lend it out to anybody. 愈左裂懦狞社萧氛枪淋粥躲阂痢掳壬毯汝酌麻釜勉联瞧还蠢捕反虾树骋塘跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Some likely interpretations Cultural Westerners are less likely to ask to borrow expensive things, so Alice feels this isn’t a reasonable request. (She is annoyed at Ellen for even asking such a thing, and assumes Ellen has no right to be offended.) 境毙黄瞥线莉诽喊郑痰不就城揍驮肃经靖钵歹条牌芯翱跋枝研户阎莉里路跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Some likely interpretations Cultural Westerners are less likely to ask to borrow expensive things, so Alice feels this isn’t a reasonable request. (She feels bad about refusing, and is concerned that Ellen may be offended.) 狞募肚舵主舔糟碴蛀竿陷哀方渴翘坤椽刨牡兰枚粥俊籽航圭碗津炙瞅颁缎跨文化交际-nit 8跨文化交际-nit 8 Some likely interpretations Cultural Westerners don’t necessarily feel that friendship obligates them to loan expensive things to each other. So even though Alice considers Ell


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