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乐吾实验学校八年级英语期末复习——8A Unit 2 Important phrases and sentences: Welcome to the unit 1.Why don’t sb. do sth.?= Why not do sth.? 为什么不做……? 2.work harder. 更加努力 3.What’s school like? It’s like watching TV. be like doing sth. (like 介词,介词+doing) 4.fewer advertisements更少的广告 an advertisement 一则广告 few/many advertisements 5.British English/ American English 英式英语/美式英语ee/watch a film 看电影 Reading 8.in Year 8 (Year Eight) 名词+基数词(首字母都要大写)= in Grade Eight= in the eighth grade 一般情况下:名词+基数词(首字母都要大写)= the +序数词+名词 (首字母小写) eg. Lesson One = the first lesson a mixed school. 一所男女生混合的学校 have lessons together一起上课 mong all my subjects 在我所有的学科当中Learning foreign languages is fun. 动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数fun n.乐趣;娱乐活动;嬉戏,嬉闹;有趣的事 adj.使人愉快的; what (great/good) fun! have fun doing = It is fun to do ... (都不要冠词) 15.foreign languages 外语 (foreigner n, 外国人) 16.a Reading Week 阅读周during the week 在这周期间 出borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物(借进)lend sth. to sb. = lend sb sth把某物借给某人(借出) bring in 带来bring in books and magazines from home 从家中带来书和杂志 19.near the end of the week临近每周结束时 at the end of the street 在街道的尽头 20.discuss sth with sb 与某人讨论某事 discuss the books with our classmates in class课堂上与同学一起讨论书的内容 21.seem to go faster 似乎走得更快 seem to do sth. 似乎做某事 seem (to be) +adj. It seems that + 从句 It seems that he is angry seem angry 似乎很生气 eg. He seems(to be) unhappy today.他今天似乎不高兴 22.go to the Buddy Club 去同伴俱乐部 23.learn more about the school 更多地了解这个学校 24.listen carefully to my problems 仔细地倾听我的问题 25.offer me help 向我提供帮助 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 offer to do sth 主动提出做某事 26.end earlier than usual.比往常结束得更早 27.do sports together一起做运动 28.twice a week 一周两次 29.practice hard every time 每次努力练习 practice doing sth 练习做某事 30.win two games 赢得两场比赛 31.an article by a boy from the USA.一篇美国男孩写的文章 32.what else = what other things 其他的还有什么 come first in the race 在比赛中得第一名any other +名词单数= the other +名词复数 any other student = the other studentsthe other students in my cl


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