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常用英语词汇 Sharlin前模/定模/母模 cavity (cavity 也叫模穴) 后模/动模/公模 core (core统称模芯,模仁) 枕位、穿插、碰穿 shut off 直径 diameter 圆角/半径radius 重叠 overlap 导向槽guiding slot (不动的部分) 倒扣 undercut 切线 tangent 脱模角度、拔模锥度draft angle 分模线/分型面 parting line=PL 行位分型线 slider PL;行位、滑块 slider (移动的部分);骨位 rib 槽 slot 段差 step 圆顶针ejector pin round 缩写是EP round 扁顶针ejector pin blade (blade原意是刀片,叶片) 平均胶位厚度The average plastic thickness 模镶件线core insert line 隧道行位Tunnel slider 锁模力 clamp force;热流道 hot runner 便于出模 release the tool easily 后模镶件 core insert 排气镶件gasvent insert 镶针 insert pin 为了更好的走胶 to improve plastic flowing/ for better material flowing 模穴号刻在顶针上 engrave the cavity# on the E/Ps 产品刻字位置 lettering location 刻字字宽width1.2mm,字凸 convex0.07mm ;绝缘 resist coating 相切半径 tangent radius 电镀夹片 racking tab 斜顶 lifter 内圈分型线 inside parting line demold 脱模 as per the issues above 上述问题 扣位 clip intersect [,int?sekt] vi. 相交,交叉 (两条直线或两个平面相交) vt. 横断,横切;贯穿 正段差是后模比前模小,逆段差就是前模比后模小。都用step ; 色粉 colorant 水口残留 Gate vestige EPE foam 珍珠棉 (Expand Aple Poly Ephylene) 损耗率 scrap rate scrap:废弃,残留 标准样板 master sample 限度样板 boundary sample 颜色限度样品color boundary sample 缺陷样板 defect sample ;产品V/P切换压力为57.5MPa Pressure at V/P switchover is 57.5Mpa 模流分析 moldflow analysis 体积收缩 volumetric shrinkage at ejection 缩痕估算 sink marks estimate 总体变形 all effects deflection X.Y方向变形 deflection, all effects: X.Y component 蚀纹 texture ,graining 贴胶带 felt tape 吸塑包装 blister packaging;进胶方式;潜进胶 Sub gate Tunnel-gate,;翻译实例;2 建议前后模大分型线处做段差(后模做小单边0.05mm)We suggest making step on the PL between cavity and core (reduce 0.05MM plastic on single side of core);3 怕结合力不好,建议第一色做孔,增加结合力. We suggest add some holes on the first shot in order to increase the adhesion strength ;4 为利于模具制作及简化分型面,建议箭头所指侧面减胶拔模到后模. We suggest the by arrow indicated side reduce material and making into the core in order to manufacture the tool easier and simplify the parting line. 5 建议上图中两个绿色孔侧面沿行位运动方向做脱模斜度 We suggest adding draft on 2 green sides along the moving direction of slider.


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