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Six characteristics of American Personal independence (个人独立) The sense of competition (竞争意识) Transparent and straightforward (坦诚直率) The concept of time (时间观念) The law and morality (守法与公德) right and duty (权利与义务) Personal independence (个人独立) Personality independence Americans often make their self-centered, like some women be beneath the human character, actually otherwise, but personal independence Americans, mainly built on trust in their struggle and personal ability. Moreover, emphasis on individual independence attitude, but also Americans generally can respect others, believe that all people should be equal. 美国人的个性独立性往往使他们以自我为中心,女子像有些不近人情,其实不然,但美国人的个人独立性,主要建立在倚靠自己奋斗和个人能力基础之上。而且,强调个人独立性的态度,也使美国人一般能尊重他人,相信所有人应是平等的。 The sense of competition (竞争意识) Americans have a strong sense of competition, in the United States social competition can be seen everywhere in the United States, can be seen everywhere the friendly or unfriendly competition, everywhere reflect American competition consciousness. American enthusiasm for sports, come down in one continuous line with strong competitive awareness of their. Because of the strong sense of competition, the Americans are very worship sports field and the business field of the record breaking achievement, even daily some modest successes but also for their infatuation. Sometimes the competition consciousness of Americans misleading, as of a book or a movie, they are often not in content, but can become a best-selling book or how much value to measure its success. In the University, students attach great importance to learning scores and grade surface, or the average integral to many. 美国人具有强烈的竞争意识,在美国社会竞争随处可见在美国,到处可见到友好或不太友好的竞争,处处反映出美国人的竞争意识。美国人对体育的狂热,与他们的强烈竞争意识一脉相承。由于强烈的竞争意识,美国人非常崇拜运动场和生意场上的破记录成就,甚至日常一些不足道的成就也为他们所迷恋。有时竞争意识对美国人误导很大,如对一本书或一部电影,他们往往不是以内容的如何,而是以能否成为畅销书或多少票房价值来衡量其成就。在大学里,学生则非常重视表面的学习成绩和评分等级,或平均积分达到多少等。 Transparent and straightforward (坦诚直率) The American frank and forthright, Chinese began to be not ve


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