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* 端午节 * Jin Dynasty(265-420) People would paste on their front doors pictures of Zhongkui , a legendary Chinese Since children are generally the most vulnerable to disease, they received extra care at this special time. * 端午节 * Jin Dynasty(265-420) Children would wear necklaces or bracelets, made of red, yellow, blue, white and black threads, to keep evil away from them. they would also receive colorful pouches containing fragrant herbal medicines as presents. * 端午节 * Jin Dynasty(265-420) Mothers also made sure to bathe their children in water boiled with berbal medicines. Drinking of realgar (雄黄) wine, are designed to ward off disease or evil. * 端午节 * Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-589) In the region which was covered by Hubei and Hunan , People set out to pick mugwort(艾) early before the cock crows and chose the most man-like mugwort to hang up on the gate or for acupuncture and moxibustion (针灸).Besides people picked calamus(菖蒲) to steep wine. * 端午节 * Tang Dynasty(618-907) In Tang Dynasty, Duanwu Festival had become an important festival. In the palace, varies celebration activities would be hold. The emperor would grant a reward to his officials. The rice used for Zongzi became white as white jade(白莹如玉) and awl-shaped(锥形),rhombus-shaped(菱形)。 * 端午节 * Song Dynasty(960-1279) In Song Dynasty, it was popular to eat zongzi. And zongzi was filled with sweetmeats(蜜饯粽). People piled up zongzi as a building, pavilions, terraces and towers(楼台亭阁),wood card, horses for advertising. * 端午节 * Yuan(1271-1368) Ming(1368-1644) Dynasty The zongzi was varies. The wrapper was used of indocalamus leaf(菰叶) then placed by reed leaf(芦苇叶). And the filling(馅) was made of sweetened bean paste(豆沙), pork , pine nut(松子仁), jujube(枣子),walnut(胡桃) and so on. * 端午节 * After All Zongzi with gammon(火腿) came out in Qing Dynasty(1644-1911). Women used jewelweed(凤仙花) water to dye their fingernail. The custom of eating zongzi has prevailed thorough China and spread to Korea, Japan and Southea


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