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2017 年 6 月 食品研究与开发 第 38 卷第 11 期 Food Research And Development 研发与工艺 114 DOI :10.3969/j .issn.1005-6521.2017.11.025 发酵青梅酒脱苦工艺的优化 陈铭 中,钟旭美 ,刘和平 ,朱碧宁 (阳江职业技术学院 食 品与环境工程系 ,广东 阳江 529566 ) 摘 要 : 以发酵青梅 酒为原料 ,探讨苦杏仁甙酶法、β-环糊精法和树脂吸附法 3 种方法的正交试验脱苦工艺,以脱苦 前后青梅 酒苦杏仁甙的脱除率为指标进行品质评价 ,得 出 3 种脱苦方法的最佳工艺参数 。对 比 3 种方法的脱苦率和 感官评价 ,得 出最好的脱苦 法为苦杏仁甙酶法,其最佳脱苦工艺参数 为苦杏仁甙酶浓度 0.8 U/mL ,温度 50 ℃ ,pH 值 4.6 ,其脱苦率可达 43.03 % ,为企业改善发酵青梅 酒的品质提供一种参考。 关键词 : 青梅 酒;苦杏仁甙 ;苦杏仁甙酶 ;β-环糊精 ;树脂吸附;脱苦 The Optimization of Debittering Process on Plum Fermented Wine CHEN Ming-zhong , ZHONG Xu-mei , LIU He-ping , ZHU Bi-ning (Department of Food and Environmental Engineering ,Yangjiang Vocational and Technical College ,Yangjiang 529566 , Guangdong , China ) Abstract : Used plum fermented wine as raw material ,orthogonal test for debittering processes were investigated by amygdalase ,beta cyclodextrin and resin adsorption ,respectively.The removal rate of amygdalin was regarded as index for quality evaluation. And the optimum technological parameters of three debitterizing methods was obtained.Combined with sensory inspection ,the debitterizing effects of those methods indicated that the best debitterizing method was the method of amygdalase and its optimum debitterizing process parameters were amygdalase concentration 0.8 U/mL , temperature 50 ℃ and pH 4.6.Under these conditions , the debitterizing rate could reach 43.03 %.The aim of the study was to improve the quality of plum fermented wine and provided a reference for enterprise. Key words :plum fermented wine ;amygdalin ;amygdalase ;beta cyc


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