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【听力理解】 Section A. Dialogues 对话部分的基本结构: 三、对话常见的九种类型及其关键词: 1、职业:职业名称,职场,工作内容、对象。 2、地点:场所名称(hotel), 动作特征词 (e.g. deposit, renew a book, post a letter) 3、关系:职业(角色)名称,对象,与工作相 关的词汇。(判断依据:1+1) 4、计算:数字,加减乘除的相关暗示语 (e.g. more than, less than, times, percent) 5、比较:比较等级用词(原级,比较级,最高级) 6、因果:because, so, so that, therefore, as a result . 7、推断:虚拟语气(if, if only), 反假设(should have done, could have done,…) 推断题的理解角度: A. 如果A和B说话内容不在同一点上,可视为否定; B.如果A和B说话内容、口气一致,则可视为肯定。 8、否定:否定词(部分否定,全部否定,隐形否定 e.g.hardly, little, few, rarely, scarcely, rather than, except for, no less than 等) 9、态度: 第二说话 人的语气、态度词(包括:赞成,反对,满意,生气,失望,讽刺,怀疑等) 示例:06年6月新题型听力真题 Section A. Dialogues/Long conversations 1. 主题:working with young stars 交锋:What would be like? 回应:We had a great time. 2. 主题: housekeeper 交锋:Do you have a housekeeper? 回应: If make a mess, clean it up yourself. 3. 主题:buying another house (陈述句) 交锋: Should they buy? 回应: their present house is not too bad. 4. 主题:freezing to death. 交锋: Why not put on more clothes? 回应:the weather changes so quickly. 5. 主题: ordering dishes. 交锋:What to order? 回应:better order sth. else. 6. 主题: growing up in Bronx. 交锋: Was it safe? 回应: To me, it was. 7. 主题: self-introduction in the office. 交锋:What about you? 回应: different section of the company. 8. 主题: an apartment for rent. 交锋: Can I have a look? 回应: you are welcome any time by appointment. Long Conversations: 9. 主题:Job interview. 谈论事项: A. Why do you choose to work here? B. The applicant’s present job. C. Why do you think you are right for the post? D. Any more questions about the company? 结果: might be the right person for the job. Long Conversations: 10. 主题: the course 谈论事项: A. interest in the book B. interest In the course: philosophy vs. English C. Parents’ expectation vs. personal interest. 结论:a waste of my time and their money. Section B. Short Passages: 一、段落听力的体裁: 讲演、叙事、论述、交际性对话、故事等。 (说明文+记叙文) 二、影响段落听力的几个要素: 1.?????? 对段落结构、层次的总


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