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第3卷 第9期 692 中国科技论文在线 SCIENCEPAPER ONLINE 2008年9月 添加 CaCO 对煤灰熔融性影响及其机理的研究 3 康 虹,吴国光,孟献梁,李建亮 (中国矿业大学化工学院, 江苏徐州 221008 ) 摘 要:考察了 CaCO3 不同添加量对三种低灰熔点煤样的软化温度(ST) 的影响,揭示了 CaCO3 对煤灰熔融性的影 响规律。同时结合 X 射线衍射技术及 CaO—Al2O3—SiO2 三元相图探讨了加入 CaCO3 后的煤灰熔融机理。结果表 明,煤灰熔点随 CaCO3 加入量的提高先降后升,当煤灰 CaO 超过一定含量后可起到提高灰熔点的阻熔剂作用。机 理表明氧化钙在加热过程中与其他成分会生成多种高含钙化合物,各物质之间会形成低温共熔化合物,造成灰熔点 降低,当钙含量过高时,由于过剩氧化钙的存在,灰熔点上升。 关键词:煤灰熔融性;添加剂;X衍射;三元相图 中图分类号:TQ533 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-7180(2008)09 -0692 -6 Study of increasing coal ash fusion temperature by using CaCO and its mechanism 3 KANG Hong ,WU Guoguang ,MENG Xianliang ,Li Jianliang (School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221008) Abstract: This work has studied the effect of different amount of CaCO3 on three low- fusion temperature coals’ST. It implies the rule of CaCO ’s effect on coal’s fusibility in the experiment process, with the help of the X-Ray 3 diffraction and CaO-Al O -SiO system ternary phase diagrams can explain the ash fusion mechanism after added 2 3 2 the CaCO , and also discussed CaO’s impact on the coal ash’s flubility. The result shows that along with the CaO’s 3 increasing, the coal ash fusion temperature is decreasing first,the it will be increasing finally, when CaO in coal ash preponderate over a certain content, the coal ash fusion



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