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 Mechanical Prop ert y and Fract ure Charact eri stics of Gla ss and J ut e Fiber Reinforced Polyp rop ylene Hybrid Compo s it es 387 Mechanical Property and Fracture Characteristics of Glass and Jute Fiber Reinf orced Polypropylene Hybrid Composites 1 2 3 4 To mo ko O H TA , Yuqiu YAN G , Tohr u MO R II , and Hiroyuki HA MADA 1 ,2 ,4 Kyoto In stit ut e of Technolo gy  Mat suga saki , Sakyoku , Kyoto 6068585 , J ap an 2 3 amy . yan g @kit . ac .jp   Shonan In stit ut e of Technolo gy 1125 Tsuj idoNi shikaigan , Fuj i sawa , Kanagawa 25 185 11 , J ap an Abstract : Due to t he increa sin g high concer n s on t he su st ainabilit y i ssue s rep re sent ed by t he environ ment and re source p rot ection , p et roba sed p ro duct s are facing to be rep laced by nat ural or recyclable mat erial s. In t hi s st udy , gla ss fiber ( GF) , j ut e fiber (J F) or hybrid ( [ GF/ J F ]) reinforced p olyp ro p ylene ( P P) co mpo sit e s were made by inj ection mol ding p roce ss an d t he f ract ure behavior in t en sile t e st wa s charact erized by u sing acou stic emi ssion at t wo diff erent f requencie s. It i s foun d t hat in [ GF/ J F ]/


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