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Hamlet 1) Hamlet is William Shakespeare’s longest play. It is often considered the greatest achievement of the world’s greatest playwright. 2) Main characters: Hamlet, Horatio( Hamlet’s true friend), Ophelia, Laertes(Ophelia’s brother), Claudius(king), Gertrude(queen), Polonius(lord), the Ghost( the old king) 3)主题: a. Revenge The ghost demands that the hero take revenge on Claudius. To get revenge, he must commit an evil act, which inevitably leads to his own death. b. Sexual, Moral, and Physical Corruption c. Madness and Melancholy d. Random Fortune or Divine Master Plan The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 一.作者: Henry Fielding—the father of English novel 二.Main characters: 1)Tom Jones: good-natured, frank and open, kind, disinterested(无私的)imprudence(轻率的)reckless 2)Blifil: a villain, selfish, malicious, hypocritical 3)Sophia: ideal, with good qualities, gaiety, candor, brave, courageous 4)Squire Western( Sophia’s father): a barbarian autocrat(独裁者) 5)Partridge: a Jack-of-all-trades, simple, faithful, good-natured, a little whimsical(异想天开的) 三.Comments on Fielding 1)The profound knowledge of human nature was acquired by “conversation”. 2)Most of his characters are compounded of both observation and imagination, of both experience and invention. 四.Writing Style: Fielding‘s language is easy, unlabored and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous. His sentences are always distinguished by logic and rhythm, and his structure carefully planed toward an inevitable ending. Tom Jones brings its author the name of the “Prose Homer.” It provides the panoramic view of the 18th-century English country. 五.Tone: The tone is playful and light-hearted. 六.Analysis of BookⅣ Chapter Ⅶ As one of the pioneers of English realistic literature, Fielding portrays the real life of men without disguise. He exposes the hypocrisy and depravity of the ruling class, and pictures the poverty of the working masses who are driven by want to crime. It is a love story between Tom and Sophia a


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