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34 1 Vol. 34, №. 1 2007 1 App lied Science and Technology Jan. 2007 :1009 - 671X (2007)01 - 0051 - 04 C8051 040 CAN 孙 尧, 闫保中, 孔祥力,李俊山 (哈尔滨工程大学 自动化学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001)  : CAN , C8051 040 CAN ; C8051 040 CAN BitTim ing Register. , CAN , . :C8051 040;CAN; :TN957. 52   :A The research of the configuration of baud rate on C8051F040 CAN controller SUN Yao, YAN Bao-zhong, KONG X iang-l,i LI Jun-shan (College of Au tom ation, H arbin Engineering University, H arbin 150001, China) Ab strac :t This paper gives a com prehensive exp lanation of the configuration principle of the baud rate on C8051 040 CAN controller comp letely, and gives a concrete examp le to exp lain the BitTmi ing Register configuration proocedure and principle of the C8051 040 CAN controller. On the foundation of this analysis, the CAN sbus communication is successfully mi plem ented between collection cell of ship navigation data recorder and the main compu te,r ensu ring the stability of transfer communication. K eyw ord :s C8051 040 singlechip;CAN controller;Configuration of baud rate   , CAN 1 概念综述 . CAN 、 ,. , CAN . CAN 1. 1 CAN [1] MCU . CYGNAL C805l 040 CAN2. 0B, (nom inal BOSCH CAN bit time), : (SOC ). CAN CAN (Sync_seg)、(Prop_seg)、 , 1(Phase_seg1)、 2(Phase_seg2), , CAN . CAN 1. , t :CAN 1, ,,


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