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《》2007 4 28 2 栾野梅: 硫化镉纳米膜的电化学制备方法 、 栾野梅 (, 050018)  : 采用电沉积方法在表面活性剂和电解液的界面制备了硫化镉纳米膜。通过对不 电解液体系和表面活性剂体系中纳米硫化镉膜沉积情况进行比较发现, 相 条件下采用硫代乙酰 胺体系为电解液, 蓖麻油类为表面活性剂可以在液/液界面制备硫化镉纳米膜。考察了表面活性剂 种类、电解液浓度和温度及溶液的pH 值对制备硫化镉纳米膜的影响,确立了制备纳米膜的最佳工 艺条件:氯化镉浓度为4 mmol L - 1 , 硫代乙酰胺浓度为12 mmol L- 1, 槽压5 V,pH 值为4. 8, 蓖 麻油/ 十六醇的用量为0. 06 ml cm- 2 。实验表明, 最佳工艺条件下制备的硫化镉纳米膜晶粒粒径 均匀、平均粒径在30 nm 左右, 近似球形,将在非线性光学材料领域有特殊的应用前景。 : ;; :O613. 5 :A  :1001 - 5868(2007)02 - 0213 - 05 Preparation of CdS Nanofilm by Electrodeposition Method LUA N Ye-mei (Hebei University of Science and Technolo y, Shijiazhuan 050018, CHN) Abstract: CdS n nofilm is deposited t the interf ce of the surf ce ctive gents nd the electrolyte by the method of electrodeposition. By comp ring different types of surf ce ctive gents nd electrolyte in the s me conditions, CdS n nofilm is deposited t the interf ce of the electrolyte of thio cet mide nd c dmium chloride nd surf ce ctive gents of c stor oil. The effects of concentr tion cell volt ge pH nd temper ture on n nofilm prep r tion h ve been studied. The optim l conditions in w hich the n nofilm w s prep red were:the concentr tion of CdCl w s 4 mmol L - 1, the concentr tion of the thio cet mide w s 12 mmol L- 1, the volt ge w s 5 V, the pH v lue w s 4. 8 nd the mount of c stor oil /hex dec nol w s 0. 06 ml /cm- 2 . The experiment indic ted th t G r in di meter of CdS n nofilm deposited t optimum condition, bout 30 nm on ver ge, is homogeneous nd pproxim te sphere sh pe. It w ill h ve speci l pplic tion future in non-line optic l m teri l. Key words: electrodeposition;CdS n nofilm;gr in size [10]


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