IICL 木地板注意事项--24 TB 001 1 Sept 2002.pdfVIP

IICL 木地板注意事项--24 TB 001 1 Sept 2002.pdf

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Institute of International Container Lessors Technical Bulletin: IICL TB 001, 1 September 2002 Preferred Standards for Hardwood Plywood Floor Panels The standards, tests, and quality assurance procedures in this document are recommended additions, not substitutions, for a manufacturer’s or supplier’s product performance and quality assurance procedures and processes. The manufacturer and/or supplier have ultimate responsibility for the design and quality of the product and should incorporate and adopt all standards and practices necessary to ensure that the product will meet the intended service requirements. IICL TB 001 was prepared under the supervision of a sub- committee chaired by representatives from IICL member companies: Textainer Equipment Management (U.S.) Ltd. J. Figueira Transamerica Leasing Inc. L. Vitalis Triton Container International Ltd. H. Heacox Copyright © 2002 Institute of International Container Lessors, Ltd. Preferred Standards for Hardwood Plywood Floor Panels TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 1. General Specifications 2 1.1 Standards 2 1.2 Wood Species 2 1.3 Plies 2 1.4 Veneer Quality



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