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35 1 () http: / /www. kustjourna.l com/ V ol 35 N o1 20 10 2 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Feb 20 10 do:i 10 3969 / j issn 1007- 855x 2010 01 011 1 2 3 汪小林 , 刘立新, 于秋波 ( 1 , 200092; 2 , 450002; 3 , 450002) : 通过对 2根经 250 万次疲劳加载而未破坏的预应力混凝土梁进行静载受弯试验, 研 疲 劳加载对其剩余静载承载力钢筋应力刚度及裂缝等影响 试验结果表明, 前期的疲劳加载对试 验梁受力性能影响较小, 各试验梁均发生正截面受弯破坏, 破坏时有明显的延性破坏特征, 并且 其承载力与现行规范计算值相比有一定的安全储备 为评估既有预应力混凝土桥梁的受力性能 及寿命提供 一定的参考 : 疲劳荷载; 预应力混凝土梁; 受力性能; 静载 : TU 375 1 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 2010) 01- 0052- 04 Experimental Study on Performance of Prestressed Concrete Beams after atigue Loading 1 2 3 W ANG X iao-lin , L IU L-i x in , YU Q iu-bo ( 1 D epartm ent o f A rch itecture, T ongji U nivers ity, Sh angha i 200092, China; 2 Schoo l o f C ivil Eng ineer ing, Z heng zhou U n iversity, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 3 M u lti- functional D esign and R esearch A cadem y, Zhengzhou U niversity, Zhengzhou 4 50002, China) Abstract: By the static flexura l exp ermi ent on the tw o prestressed concrete beam s, wh ich have no t fractured un- der 2 5 m illion tmi es of fat igue loading, the effects of fatigu e load ing on the residu al stat ic bearing cap ac ity, re- info rcem ent stress, rig idity and crack w idth are studied The exp er mi enta l results show th at the early fatigu e loading h as little effect on the testing beam s, w hich fits in w ith the flexural fa ilure m odel w ith significant ly du cti-l ity, and the test bearing cap ac it


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