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32 1 ( ) Vol 32 N o 1 2007 2 Jou rnal of Kunm ing Un iversity of S cience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Feb 2007 王成武, 戈振扬 ( 1 , 650224) : 土壤中水及其他营养成分的传输及其在土壤中的空间分布形式的研究对提高农业灌溉 精度 农田水分利用效率 农作物产量有着重要的现实意义, 本文针对节水灌溉技术的应用, 采 用人工配置试验土壤, 研究小尺度下, 不同土壤条件下水在土壤中的传输及其在土壤中的空间分 布形式, 通过获取土壤中水的渗流在空间分布的图像, 经过计算分析得其分形维数, 结果表明水 分在小尺度土壤中的分布具有分形特性, 而且其分形维的大小与土壤的密实度土壤种类及入渗 时间等土壤性质有关 : 滴灌; 土壤; 节水灌溉 : S152 72 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 2007) 01- 0105 - 03 Fractal Characteristics Investigation into Soil Infiltration under Drip Irrigation W A NG C hengw u, GE Zhenya ng ( F acu lty of M odern Ag ricu ltura l Eng ineer ing, K unm ing U n ive rsity o f Science and T echno logy, K unm ing 650224, Ch ina) Abstract: The w ater flow in m an- m ade soil sam ples under drip irrigation w as stu died Im ages of the w ater d is tribution in d ifferent so il cond ition s, for exam p le, so il typ e, soil bu lk den sity ect , w ere ob tained and ca lculated to determ ine the fracta l dmi en sion o f the w ater distribution in so il T he results dem on strate that the fractal d mi en sion of the w ater d istribut ion in so il decreases from 1 800 to 1 749, and from 1 901 to 1 874, when the so il re l ative com p actness increases from 60% to 70% M eanwh ile, the fracta l dmi en sion o f the w ater distribution in so il is a ffected by so il cond ition s su ch as so il typ e, irrigat ion tmi e etc K ey words: drip irrigat ion; so il; w ater sav ing irrigation 0 , , , , [ 1] , , [ 2 ~ 4 ] [ 5, 6] ( 461, 462) , , , , , ,



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