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27 6 Vol. 27 No. 6 2010 6 M ICROEL ECT R ON ICS COM PUT ER J une 2010 IPv6 SY NFlood 连 红 ( , 550004) : 在分析几种常规防范DDoS 方法特点和不足的基础上, 结合数据包流量检测 术和改进的T CP Cookie 术, 在I Pv6 环境下建立了 一种数据包检测 智能过滤P DIF ( P acket Detection and I ntellig ence Filter ) 防御 SYN F lood 攻击的模型. 通过检测数据包流量是否超出阈值来分析是否发生攻击, 同时采用 一种验证远程客户端T CP 连 接有效性的算法来实现智能过滤, 将 DDo S 攻击分组拦截而让正常的网络流量通过, 在实验室测试中取得了较好的 效果. : 攻击 数据包 流量检测 保护层 智能过滤 : T P393 . 0 8 : A : 1000 - 7180( 20 10) 0 6- 004 3- 04 Study of Attack Guards Against SYNFlood in IPv6 Environment L IA N H on g ( Dep ar tment of Science and T echnology , Gu izhou Radio T V U niversity, Gu iyang 550004, China) Abstract: Based on the analyses of ch aracteristics and disadvantages of sev eral routine attack g uards ag ainst DDoS , along w ith the combination of pocket flow detection technolog y and the improved T CP Cookie technology , an attack gu ar ds pat tern ag ainst SY N Flood is established in IP v6 Environm ent , w hich is called PD IF ( P acket Detection and I ntelligence F il ter) . By m eans of detecting w hether the packet overflow s t he thr eshold , an attack can be analyzed and detected. A n in telligence f ilter is realized by verifying the T CP access eff ectiveness of remote clients to implem ent pocket inter cept and to let through norm al traff ic. T r ial tests are conducted su ccessfully in the laborator y. Key words: attacks packet flow detection protective layer intelligence f ilter SY N Flood . DDoS 1 , DDoS ( denial of service, DoS) (


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