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16. (2009·临沂模拟) — Aren’t you cold,Jane? — .I’m boiling. A.Take it easy B.That’s all right C.Don’t worry D.Not in the least 解析 考查交际用语。根据下文I’m boiling.可 判断前面应该填写not in the least一点也不。 D 17. (2009·天津南开中学模拟) — You seem to have lost your way. ? —I’m looking for Wangfujing Street. A.What are you looking for B.Why so C.Need help D.What are you going 解析 句意为:——你好像迷路了,需要帮忙 吗?——我在找王府井街。根据句意和英语语言 习惯选C。 C 18. (2009·浙江衢州模拟) — Our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.I’m sure we will win.  — ! A.Good luck B.Cheers C.Best wishes D.Congratulations 解析 good luck祝你好运;cheers干杯;best wishes致以最美好的祝愿;congratulations祝 贺,为祝贺别人成功时的用语,故A项符合语境。 A 19. (2009·重庆一中月考) — So are you planning another trip to the store? — .I’ll probably go again in January for the sales.  A.That’s all right B.I am not C.I expect so D.I don’t expect so 解析 That’s all right意为“不用谢,没关 系”,可用来回答“Thank you”及“I’m sorry”;而B 项和D项都是表示否定含义。故选C项“我想是这 样的”符合语境。 C 20. (2009·厦门模拟) — What noise outside! — .I’ll close the doors and the windows.Now,let’s go on.  A.Not at all B.That’s right C.All right D.Never mind 解析 not at all不用谢;that’s right你说对 了;all right行,好吧;never mind没关系。 根据上下文选D。 D 21. (2008·江西九校模拟) — I hope you’ll have a good time. — . A.Good idea B.Thank you C.You are quite right D.No trouble at all 解析 good idea好主意;you are quite right 你说得很对;no trouble at all不麻烦。因前 面一句是别人在表示祝愿,故另外一个人要表示 感谢,只有B符合题意。 B 22. (2008·皖南八校模拟) — !Our headteacher has resigned.She is said to be pregnant. —What a great surprise! A.Guess what B.For what C.How come D.What for 解析 guess what你猜怎么着;for wha


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