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关于大数据——10条激励人心的数据科学家名言 几年前,哈佛商业评论说数据科学家的是“二十一世纪最性感的工作”。但你知道做一个数据科学家意味着什么吗?来,我们先看看这些数据科学专家的名言。 Data scientists “tend to be “hard scientists”, particularly physicists, rather than computer science majors. Physicists have a strong mathematical background, computing skills, and come from a discipline in which survival depends on getting the most from the data. They have to think about the big picture, the big problem – DJ Patil, VP of Product at RelateIQ “数据科学家更倾向于是’硬科学家’ ,相对于计算机专业的,他们更像物理学家。物理学家有强硬的数学背景,计算机技能,并且来自一个靠数据吃饭的领域。他们需要从整体的角度思考,考虑比较宏大的问题。”–DJ Patil, Product at RelateIQ的副总裁 “They need to find nuggets of truth in data and then explain it to the Business leaders”?– Rchard Snee Emc – See more “他们需要从数据中找到有用的真相,然后解释给领导者。” – Rchard Snee Emc “A data scientist is someone who knows more statistics than a computer scientist and more Computer science than a statistician” – Josh Blumenstock “数据科学家是一个比计算机科学家懂更多统计学,比统计学家懂更多计算机科学的人。”?– Josh Blumenstock “Data scientist is just a sexed up word for a statistician” – Nate Silver “数据科学家只是‘统计学家’一个性感一些的名字。 ”– Nate Silver “Data scientists are involved with gathering data, massaging it into a tractable form, making it tell its story, and presenting that story to others” – Mike Loukides, VP, O’Reilly Media “数据科学家收集数据,把数据融入到易懂的形式中,让数据讲故事,并且把故事讲给别人听。”–Mike Loukides, O’Reilly Media的副总裁 “The data scientist was called, only half-jokingly, a caped superhero” – Ben Rooney “数据科学家曾经被誉为戴着披风的超级英雄(当然只是开个玩笑)”?– Ben Rooney “Think analytically, rigorously, and systematically about a business problem and come up with a solution that leverages the available data” “用分析的角度、严格、系统地思考业务问题,然后得出能够影响这些数据的解决方案。 ”–? Michael O’Connell, TIBCO的高级分析总监 “Data Scientist = statistician + programmer + coach + storyteller + artist”- Shlomo Aragmon “数据科学家=统计学家+程序员+讲故事的人+艺术家。“ –?Shlomo Aragmon “They are half hacker, half analyst, they use data to build products and find insights” – Monica Rogati “他们一半是黑客,一半是分析师,他们用数据来做产品、提出新见解。“– Monica Rogati “A data scientist is someone w


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