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ISSN CN 111777/ TP Journal of Computer Research and De elopment 42( 6) : 1006~ 1012, 2005 TCP MySQL 邵志远 金 海 唐晓辉 ( 430074) ( zyshao@ mailhusteducn) High Performance and High Availability MySQL Server Cluster Based on Active TCP Connection Replication Shao Zhiyuan, Jin Hai, and Tang Xiaohui ( Comp uter College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074) Abstract In this paper, a scheme is presented, w hich builds high performance and high a ailability database cluster by using acti ely replicated T CP connectionsThe scheme forwards a technique that acti e ly replicates a set of T CP connections by con erting them into atomic multicasting and distributing readonly requests to different processing unitsThe technique is further used on MySQL database clusters and results in high performance and high a ailabilityWith the experiments conducted on the prototype systems, high performance on readonly database queries w ith little sacrifice on the update operations of the cluster is ex hibited ey words faulttolerant computing; high a ailability ; T CP protocol; cluster computing ; database sys tems 提出一种基于主动T CP 连接复制的高性能高可用 MySQL 数据库集群解决方案该方案采用 集群技术 并发的多个T CP 连接进行原子多播转换和复制以达到连接容错的效果, 同时, 连接流中 的只读操作进行分流以达到提高性能的目的该方案将 T CP 连接进行复制的技术应用于M ySQL 数 据库集群中, 从而实现了数据库集群整体的高可用性和高性能经过原型系统的实现和测试, 证明了该 方案在复制过程中 数据库写操作造成了较小的性能损耗, 同时极大地提高了数据库集群的只读查询 性能 容错计算; 高可用性; T CP 协议; 集群计算; 数据库系统 TP393; T P3164 , , 1 , , , ( Google ) , , , , , , ODBC : 2005- 01- 12 : ( 2002AA1Z2102) : T CP MySQL



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