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有机无机复混肥及施氮量对烤烟K326生长发育及产质量的影响   摘 要:为发挥有机无机复混肥的优势,筛选出烤烟K326品种适宜的氮肥用量,提高烟叶产量和品质,该研究设置3个氮肥施用量的试验处理,每个处理选出长势均匀一致的烟株5株,分别在移栽后35d、60d、75d、90d及封顶后7d分别测定农艺性状,及测定烤后烟叶的产量、经济效益、品质。结果表明:与其它处理相比,T2处理(氮肥用量105kg/hm2)表现最好,特别是移栽后75d,优势开始凸显,烟株营养均衡,长势长相较好,能够正常成熟,烟叶上等烟比例比T1、T3处理分别高4.06%、1,69%,产量分别高234.73kg/hm2、3.88kg/hm2,产值分别高6 254.17元/hm2、975.98元/hm2,烟叶内在化学成分协调,感官评吸质量较高,从而实现了提高烟叶质量和烟农收益的目的。因此,烤烟K326氮肥用量在105kg/hm2时产质量表现最好 关键词:烤烟;有机无机复混肥;氮肥用量;生长;产量;品质 中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2016)20-0032-04 Effect of Organic-inorganic Compound and Different Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Development Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Variety K326 Zhang Lumin et al. (Honghe Tobacco Company of Yunnan Tobacco Corporation,Mile 652300,China) Abstract:Using the advantages of organic-inorganic compound fertilizer,selecting the suitable amount of nitrogen fertilizer for flue-cured tobacco K326 screened,and improving the quality the yield of tobacco. The experiment was carried out on three soils with moderate nitrogen fertilizers. Five treatments were selected,which were 35,60,75,90 days after transplanting. Agronomic traits were measured 7 days after capping,and measuring the yield,economic benefit and quality of tobacco after baking. The outcome shown that:T2 treatment(105kg/hm2 nitrogen application)showed the best performance compared with other treatments,especially 75 days after transplanting. Advantages began to highlight,tobacco nutrition balanced,growing looks better and normal maturity. The yield of tobacco leaves was higher than that of T1 and T3,which were 4.06% and 1.69% higher than those of T1 and T3,respectively. The yield was 234.73kg/hm2 and 3.88kgkg/hm2,respectively,the output value was 6254.17 Yuan/hm2 and 975.98 Yuan/hm2. The chemical composition of the tobacco leaves is coordinated and the quality of the sensory evaluation is high,so the quality of the tobacco leaf and the income of the farmers are realized. Therefore,the yield of flue-cured tobacco K326 at 105 kg/hm2 was


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