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YOU ARE WELCOME ! International Economics 国际经济学 主讲:余道先 ydxdhy@ Chapter 5 The Standard Trade Model 标准贸易模型 Chapter Organization Introduction A Standard Model of a Trading Economy (开放经济的标准模型) International Transfers of Income: Shifting the RD Curve (国际收入转移:相对需求曲线的移动) Tariffs and Export Subsidies: Simultaneous Shifts in RS and RD (关税和出口补贴:相对供给曲线和相对需求曲线同时移动) Summary Introduction Previous trade theories have emphasized specific sources of comparative advantage which give rise to international trade: (先前的贸易理论强调了贸易的起因——比较优势的特定来源) Differences in labor productivity (Ricardian model) Differences in resources (specific factors model and Heckscher-Ohlin model) The standard trade model is a general model of trade that admits these models as special cases.(标准贸易模型是一个一般性的模型,而上述模型是标准贸易模型的特例) A Standard Model of a Trading Economy The standard trade model is built on four key relationships: Production possibility frontier and the relative supply curve (生产可能性边界和相对供给曲线之间的关系) Relative prices and relative demand (相对价格和相对需求之间的关系) World relative supply and world relative demand (世界相对供给和世界相对需求之间的关系) Terms of trade and national welfare (贸易条件对国家福利的影响) A Standard Model of a Trading Economy Production Possibilities and Relative Supply Assumptions of the model: Each country produces two goods, food (F) and cloth (C) Each country’s production possibility frontier is a smooth curve (TT) A Standard Model of a Trading Economy Production Possibilities and Relative Supply The point on its production possibility frontier at which an economy actually produces depends on the price of cloth relative to food, PC/PF.(生产可能性边界上的实际产出组合取决于棉布对于粮食的相对价格) Isovalue lines(等价值线) Lines along which the market value of output is constant A Standard Model of a Trading Economy A Standard Model of a Trading Economy Relative Prices and Demand The value of an economys consumption equals the value of its production: PCQC + PFQF = PCDC + PFDF = V The economy’s choice of a point on the isovalue line d


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