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2∞5 每1 月第1 期《中国E笠经济》第 24 卷{总第 263 期〉 农民工医疗保险在统筹地区实施的可行性分析 王芳①刘娟②肖睁山③卢祖淘① 摘 要 求民工医疗保险政策尚处在探索中,客观上需要进行政策可行性分析。而利益集团是影响政策可行性的 重要因素。因此,拟采用 Stakeholder 分析方法对利益集团的正面和负面影响因素、调用资源的能力进行综合分析。结 果显示,支持与反对力量相当,揭示在当前政治、经济、社会条件下农民工医疗保险政策在统筹地区实施没有明显的 优势。建议根据集团立场,动用资源的综合实力,采取适宜策略,分自己物资和精力,以使用高效、节省的方式确保政 策实施。 关键词农民工 医疗保险可行性 Stakeholder 分析 中图分类号: F840 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1003 - 0743 (2005) 1 - 0041 - 04 Analysis of Feasibility on Medical Insurance for Workers From Rural Areas Being Implemeted in Urban Ar姐sl Wang Fang ,Liu Juan ,Xiao Zhengsban , et al. //Cbinωe Healtb Economics ,2004 ,24( 1) :41-45 Abstract Medical insurance for workers form rural areas is still in research ,and it is needed analysis of fe酬bility. Interest groups are the important factors that impact on the policy of the insurance , so stakeholder analysis is applied on the synthetical estimation of the positive and negative interests that the insurance will bring to 由e groups ,由e powers of groups transferring re- sources. The result is presented 也at the powers between ally and opposite are similar ,and it shows that implement of the insurance has no obvious advantages in urban are幽 currently. So it is suggested that based on the positions and powers , suitable m四sures should be adopted , and corresponding resources and energies should be distributed , so that the insurance can be carried out ef- fectively and economically. Key words workers from rural areas ,medical insurance ,feasibility , stakeholder analysis First-author s sddl回S 咀le Social Medicine Faculty of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong Univerity of Science and Technology ,Wuhan ,PRC ,430030 1 号|言 2 研究方法 随着我国工业化和城市化加速,农村剩余劳动力增多,


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