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第28 卷  第2 期 材 料 热 处 理 学 报 Vol . 2 8  No . 2 2 0 0 7 年  4 月 TRANSACTIONS OF MATERIALS AND HEAT TREATMENT April 2 0 0 7 采用中频反应磁控溅射技术沉积氮化锆薄膜 杨钰瑛 ,  孙维连 ,  李新领 ,  王会强 ,  孙玉梅 (河北农业大学机电工程学院 , 河北 保定  071001) 摘  要 : 采用中频反应磁控溅射技术沉积 ZrN 薄膜 ,在真空镀膜机内对称安装了 3 对矩形孪生靶。利用等离子体发射光谱和质 谱仪 QMS200 分别实时监控真空炉内靶材表面的谱线变化和各种气氛的分压强 ,并通过控制系统氮气流量自动调控 ,从而消除了 靶中毒和打火现象 ,确保了溅射镀膜的稳定进行。通过对氮化锆膜层的显微组织观察、X 射线衍射和俄歇半定量分析 ,沉积的氮 化锆薄膜膜层致密 ,与基体的结合牢固。结果表明 :当炉内氮气分压强为 45 % ,控制靶电压 200V ,靶电流为 25A ,逐步调节 Ar 与 N2 比例 ,可获得成分均匀 ,膜层致密 ,结合力较好的金黄色氮化锆薄膜。 关键词 : 中频溅射;  孪生对靶 ;  氮化锆 ;  薄膜 ( ) 中图分类号: TG1741444 ;  TG13215    文献标识码 : A    文章编号 : 100926264 2007 0220030203 Zr N films deposited by the technology of mid2frequency reactive magnetron sputtering YANG Yu2ying ,  SUN Wei2lian ,  LI Xin2ling ,  WANG Hui2qiang ,  SUN Yu2mei (Mechanical and Electronic Engineering College , Agriculture University of Hebei , Baoding 071001 ,China) Abstract :Three pairs of rectangular twin2targets were installed symmetrically in the vacuum chamber when the ZrN films were deposited by mid2 frequency reactive magnetron sputtering technique. A plasma emission spectrometer and QMS200 mass spectrometer were respectively used to measure the spectrum line and the partial pressure of the gases , and through automatic controlling of the flux of nitrogen , the target poisoning and electrical discharge were eliminated and thus the stability of the sputtering deposition was insured. Through the microstructure observation , X2ray diffraction and AES analysis , it is found that the ZrN films are compacted and combined fast with the substrate. The results indicate th


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