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武侠常用句 侠文化探源 Source of Xia Culture Xia came into being during the Eastern Zhou period .In a time of upheavals with kingdoms warring against each other , Xia were embroiled in chaotic confusion in Jianghu .The shocking assassination of Emperor Qin attests to the loyalty , righteousness and boldness of Xia while Guojie’s fate is indicative of its persistence , provocativeness and obstinateness . It is difficult to completely undertake the mission of saving the world while keeping oneself free and natural . Maybe , the only goal to come to Jianghu was to seek freedom . And Xia are not afraid of danger and frustrations . Instead they try to achieve great accomplishments . 侠最早产生于东周时代。天下大乱,列国纷争,侠一开始便一脚踏入这个混乱庞杂的“江湖”之中。侠忠肝义胆,豪气冲天,于是便有了惊天动地的荆轲刺秦王;然而侠我行我素,惹嫌遭忌,于是又有了武帝怒杀郭解。一面肩负着拯救乱世的重任,一面维护着自身的潇洒自由,自古难两全。或许,人入江湖,为的就是寻得一份逍遥自在,坎坷凶险全无惧,只求轰轰轰烈干一番事业。 请问阁下尊姓大名? Would you please tell me your name ? 大师降临,在下不曾远迎,实深惶恐。 We are honored by your presence and I am terribly sorry for not greeting you sooner . 若蒙前辈不吝赐教,晚辈实属三生有幸。 I would consider myself most fortunate if you could enlighten me with your instruction . 小贼,你可放马过来,与我决一死战?! I don’t suppose you would dare flight with me ! 路见不平,拔刀相助。 See injustice on the road and draw one’s sword to help the victim . 雕虫小技,何足挂齿? These trifling skills are not worth mentioning . 在下对前辈的景仰有如滔滔江水,绵绵不绝。 My veneration for your honor will go on and on just like the surging river. 你我情同手足,有福同享,有难同当。 You and I should share weal and woe just like brothers . 壮士武功惊人,在下极是佩服,十年之后,再来领教! I humbly admire your amazing skills .I will compete with you in a decade. 青山不改,绿水长流,咱们后会有期! We shall meet again as time stands. 疯狂的石头经典台词 Crazy Lines in Crazy Stone 雷劈死你八次你也中不了一次!(包世宏讽刺一心想中彩票的手下) You are more likely to be struck by lightning eight times than win the Jackpot . 高科技咧,无人驾驶! God !How can I possibly get hit by a car with no driver ? Must be due to modern high-tech ! 别摸我!(开宝马车的眼镜男在看到车被撞以后,指着宝马车的标志“BMW”大喊着对包世宏他们说) Don’t touch me ! 我顶你个肺啊! Holy shit ! 我的招牌是讲诚信!(国际大


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