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Chinese Journal of Zoology 2010, 45( 1): 119~ 124 ¹ º ¹ * 杨志宏 柳劲松 邵淑丽 (¹ 161006; º 325035) : ( Passermonanus) , ( 0D , D ) , 4 ( 1D3D5D 7D), BMR ( r= 015 12, P = 0100 1); 5( BM R) , 5D 7D BMR (P 0105) ; 4, , 1D 7D (P 0105) (P 010 1), 3D 5D 1D7D , 1~ 7 d : , , , : ; ; ; ; ( BM R) : Q494, Q495 : A : 0250- 3263( 2010) 01-119-06 TheEffect of Short-Term Continuing FoodRestriction on Passer m ontanus BodyWeight andBMR and Its EcologicalM eaning ¹ º ¹* YANG Zhi-Hong LIU Jin-Song SHAO Shu-Li (¹ College of LfieScience andEngineering, Qiqihaer University, Qiqihaer 161006; º Schoolof Lfie andEnvironmentalSciences, enzhou University, enzhou 325035, China) Abstract: T he present paper deals w ith the effect of short-term continuing food restr iction on T ree Sparrow s. (Passermontanus) body w e ight and BM R ( basal m etabolic rate) as w ell as the ir physiolog ical adjusting m echan ism. The T ree Sparrow s fed regu larly were selected to be the control group ( 0D, D for day) and four groups of sparrow s w ith sam e food- intake but different hunger hours ( 1D, 3D, 5D and 7D) to be the objects of study and acclmi ation. T he results show s that there ex ists m arked linear relationsh ip bewt een the body w eight and BMR ( r= 015 12, P = 0100 1). T here is no d istinct d ifference as for the BM R level of un it w eight among the five groups of T ree Sparrow s, but d istinct between the 5D and 7D team of body. s BMR (P 0105). T ree Sparrow s of the control group gain w e ight


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